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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 困难
  • 浏览 1208

For many people, the Zhijiang Dong autonomous county(自治县), Huaihua city, in Central China’s Hunan province is famous for its role in China’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression(1937-45) and World War II.
Located in the west of Hunan, the county is close to the border with Guizhou province,
and is a well-known transportation hub(中心;中枢). It also acted as important military base(军事基地) in the fight against the Japanese.
Zhijiang was the home of the American Volunteer Group, or “Flying Tigers”: the
legendary squadron(空军中队) of pilots from the United States that helped the Chinese forces fight the occupiers(侵略者), and made an impressive contribution to the ultimate(最终的) victory. It was also the first place where representatives(有代表性的) of the Japanese Imperial Army signed a document of unconditional surrender(无条件投降) to China.
The surrender was signed on Aug 21,1945, about three weeks before Yasuji Okamura, the commander-in-chief of Japan’s China Expeditionary Army, signed the Japanese Instrument of Surrender in Nanjing on Sep.9.
“Japan’s surrender in Zhijiang marked the first time in the modern era that Japan was
presented as the loser in a war with China.” said Wu Jianhong, curator(馆长)  of the
county’s Memorial Hall of the Victory over Japan.
Where is Zhijiang Dong autonomous county?
A. In the west of China.
B. In the west of Hunan province.
C. In the west of Guizhou province.
What is Zhinjiang famous for ?
A. Its delicious food.
B. Its friendly people.
C.Its important role in history.
Which is NOT true about the “Flying Tiger”?
A. It was an American Volunteer Group that helped the Chinese forces.
B. It was an American Volunteer Group that helped the Japanese forces.
C. There were many pilots from the United States in the “Flying Tigers”.
Which document was signed the earliest?
A. The surrender signed in Zhijiang county.
B. The surrender signed in Nanjing.
C. The surrender signed aboard the battleship USS Missouri.
How many years ago did Chinese win the war against Japanese?
A. 37 years ago.
B. 70 years ago.
C. 45 years ago.

