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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 单词拼写
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1732

Beijing (CNN) reported that on the December 31st 2014, there were so many people on the beautiful beaches of Shanghai. When the people enjoyed ________(they), there were so many people that a terrible tragedy(惨剧) took place _______(sudden). Thirty-six people lost their lives in this accident. The victims(遇难者) were young, with an average age of just 22. The _____(old)was 37, the youngest was only 12. Witnesses have described what they saw on the beaches. There are many different ______(voice)about the reason of this accident. The real reason of it is being researched. We all believe that we ________(get)the truth one day. President Xi Jinping ________(call) for a full and immediate investigation(调查) into the cause of the tragedy already. Xi called for all-out efforts _______(help)the injured. President Xi said governments across the country should take measures(措施) in order to better protect public________(safe)during major public holidays and celebrations.
Comments from Sina Weibo:
BH8AHU:From ________(person)experience, let me share what to do when encountering(遭遇) similar situations:
1. Avoid ______(go) against the tide(潮), as one person or a few simply cannot go against the tide of people. If you go against the tide, you_________(pull)down, so you should go with the flow, gradually move towards the outside, and once you’re outside and against a building’s wall it becomes much safer;
2. You absolutely must watch your feet, as sewer grating(下水道栅栏), gutters, bags, and garbage can all cause you to fall and it is very difficult to get back up in a tide of people.
Fu Yuelin: Those young people who ______(shout)for people to move back, I truly thank them. If it weren’t for so many people shouting together, who knows how many more people would’ve perished(丧生).

