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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 完型填空
  • 难度 较难
  • 浏览 240

I have been to many places. But, Kunyu Mountain was the most unforgettable place I’ve ever been to. I        it as the first highlight (亮点) in my life.
Kunyu Mountain is a tourist attraction near my hometown. My dad and I went to climb it in the early summer five years ago. At first I thought the top was so high that I could      reach it. When I looked         , I always saw that top surrounded (围绕) by many white clouds. Although the view was beautiful, I was in no mood(心情) to look at it. My legs were badly shivering (颤抖)      the 3-hour walk and I had a pain in my head. I said to myself that I couldn’t      climbing because it was my dream to reach the top.
It was cold and the wind was brushing my face       . I could never believe that I succeeded in reaching the top      the help of my dad. Seeing the mountains with large rocks around me, and the waterfall below us, I     . I enjoyed my success in reaching the top after      the stones several times. And I have fallen in love with the beauty of      since then.
In our lives, the top is our dream. The climbing is difficult but worth your efforts (努力). Just prepare more so that you can finally reach the top.
A. work         B. regard      C. look
A. sometimes   B. always      C. never
A. up           B. down        C. at
A. because of   B. instead of  C. in the face of
A. give out    B. give away   C. give up
A. softly       B. strongly   C. warmly
A. with         B. without    C. for
A. smiled      B. feared      C. compared
A. picking up   B. cleaning up C. falling over
A. nature      B. weather     C. Photo

