心理学上有一个著名的“踢猫效应”。即:人的不满情绪和糟糕心情,一般会沿着等级和强弱组成的社会关系链条依次传递。由金字塔尖一直扩散到最底层,无处发泄的最弱小的那一个元素,则成为最终的受害者。是一种典型的坏情绪的传染。避免坏情绪传递,我们应该( ) ①不要拿别人的过错来惩罚自己。 ②将心中的愤懑情绪向人倾诉,可以缓解怒气 ③有效控制情绪,正确对待错误,不要伤害他人 ④坏情绪的传递,心情不好这可以理解。
Read it aloud _________ the whole class can hear you clearly.
You are sure to fail the exam _________ you study hard.
—What happened to Peter?—He was _________ murder last week.
Though I like the house very much, its price _________ my ability to pay.
The Forbidden City was _________ a museum in 1925.