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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 单词拼写
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1167

Friends are very important in our everyday life. Everyone ______ (need) friends. We all like to stay with someone. It is nice _____ (have) a friend to talk, _____ (laugh) and do things with.
No two people are the same. Friend sometimes don’t get on ____ (good). But most of the time they will make up(言归于好) and become ___ again. Sometimes friends move away. Then we will miss them very much. We can call them and write to them. Also, we can _____ new friends. It is interesting to find that we like new people when we get to know them.
A true friend is sometimes who will always be there for you. Through good times or _____ times. They will _____ new things and exciting things into your life and make it richer. There is more good news for people who have friends. They live _____ than people who don’t. Why? Friends can make us happy. Being happy helps you keep well. Also, if someone cares about you, you will look after _____ (you) well.

