首页 / 初中英语 / 试题详细
  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 152

Ten Rules in American Schools
(1)Always call the teachers by their titles(头衔)or last names.
(2)Come to school on time or a little bit earlier.
(3)Please put up your hand when asking or answering questions
(4)You may stay in your seat when you talk to your teacher.
(5)Make up(弥补)all the homework you miss when you take a leave of absence(缺席).Ask the teacher or your classmates if you need help.
(6)If you want to leave school early,please tell your teacher and ask the teacher for the homework.
(8)Don’t cheat(作弊)when you take a test.
(9)Please bring a note from your parents when you are absent or late for school.
(10)The only reasons for being absent(缺席的)from school are being ill,having a death in the family or when there is a religious(宗教)holiday.
(1)Students should always call the teachers________in American schools.
(2)You can’t be absent from school when________.

A.you’re ill
B.a member of your family passes away
C.there is a religious holiday
D.you want to stay at home

(3)将句子“Please put up your hand when asking or answering questions.”译成汉语。
(5)When can’t students cheat?

