国家主席习近平在二十国集团领导人第九次峰会上再次诠释了中国与邻为善、以邻为伴,践行亲、诚、惠、容的理念,倡导共同、综合、合作、可持续的亚洲安全观。这表明我国( )①把维护世界和平作为发展经济的首要条件②重视发展同周边国家睦邻友好的合作关系③与世界各国面临的根本利益是一致的④一贯坚持独立自主的和平外交政策
Will you see to ______ that the luggage is brought back?
I saw no more than one copy left in the bookshop. Will you go and buy ______?
Does _______ matter if he can’t finish the job on time?
I don’t think _______ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.
There are two roads and either ________ to the station.