2014年5月国家卫计委召开新闻发布会,提出要全力推进控烟工作,其中措施之一是创新烟草控制大众传播的形式和内容,提高公众对于烟草危害的认识,促进形成全社会都不吸烟、不敬烟、不送烟的社会风气。在其他条件不变的情况下,如果这些措施取得成功,下图中能够正确反映控烟成效的是( )注:D1为国家卫计委采取措施前的需求量,D2为国家卫计委采取措施后的需求量。
Harry Potter stories are____both the teenagers and adults.
In our class, girl students _____ nearly 60% of the students, and most of them study very well.
He lay in bed, with his eyes ______ up at the ceiling and his fingers ______.
I often mistake him for his brother, because he _____ his brother so much.
—Why was the boy beaten by his father? —He _____ to his father that he had _____the table.