作为低成本信息交换和共享平台的互联网发展催生了新的经济形式,某校学生小张就是一位叫“换客”的时尚一族。他将自己的闲置物品发布到相关网站,注明自己所需求的物品,然后等待网友来交换,“换客”这种流行方式( )①是一种商品流通②可以使商品的使用价值最大化③是一种绿色消费行为④属于租赁消费的类型
The fruit ______ fresh in his fruit stand(货摊) sells well.
There is only a ___________ ride from his home to his office.
______ being too large, the color and the style of the dress suit me well.
--It’s said that John will be in a job paying over 860,000 _____ year.-- Also get paid by _____ week.
---Go for a trip after the exam, OK?--- ______. I love getting close to nature to relax.