Listen! The girls the classroom.A.sings B.will sing C.are singing
你想告诉妈妈,你们昨天在生日晚会上跳舞啦,可以说:A.We jumped at the birthday party yesterday.B.We danced at the birthday party yesterday.C.We played the trumpet at the birthday party yesterday.
你想告诉游客那个公园过去很脏,但现在很干净,可以说:A.The park was clean, but it is tidy now.B.The park was wet, but it is dry now.C.The park was dirty, but it is clean now.
你看到大街上张灯结彩,想知道今天是什么日子,可以问:A.What’s the date today? B.What’s the weather like today?C. Is your birthday today?
朋友来你家里做客,你想知道家里还有没有水果,可以问妈妈:A.Do you have any fruit, Mom? B.Do you need any fruit, Mom?C. Do you have any juice, Mom?
你想知道天津冬天天气如何,可以问:A.What’s the weather like today? B.Is it cloudy in Tianjin today?C. What’s the weather like in winter in Tianjin?