英汉互译(1)have a fever______________ (2)take pictures____________ (3)traffic rule_____________ (4)funnier___________(5)制作风筝_____________(6)集邮_____________(7)更瘦的_____________(8)头疼______________(9)到达_____________(10)来自_______________
你的同学问你打算去哪里,他会问:A. Where are you going? B. Are you going to the park? C. I’m going to the park.
体育课,你感到不舒服,应说:A. I am feeling sick ? B. What’s the matter with you?C. I have a cold.
你想知道Gogo正在干什么,你该问:A. What are you doing? B. Are you digging a well? C. What’s wrong with you?
你想告诉表弟你每天会吃一个苹果,可以说:A. I eat an apple a day. B. You eat an apples a day. C. I eat an two apples a day.
同学问你银行在哪里,你告诉他就在拐角转左,你应该说:A. Turn right at the corner B. Turn left at the corner. C. Turn left and go straight.