听音连线.(1)I am going to have a picnic.(2)Amy is in the east of China.(3)Shandong is very interesting.(4)The girl will visit my granddad’s farm.(5)My father will reading a book.(6)Because English is send you a postcard.
将下列词组与相应的汉语连线。(1)drink soy milk A 下象棋(2)on the lake B 许多(3)play chess C 喝豆奶(4)row a dragon D 在湖上(5)lots of E 划龙舟
读一读,连一连。(1)brown hair A 一只漂亮的熊(2)red mouth B 棕色的头发(3)black nose C 蓝色的眼睛新(4)blue eyes D 黑色的鼻子(5)a nice bear E 红色的嘴巴
找出中文意思,然后连起来(1)eraser A 尺子 (2)ruler B 名字(3)name C 橡皮 (4)goodbye D 文具盒 (5)pencil box E 你好 (6)hello F 再见(7)bag G 书包