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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 较难
  • 浏览 1423

Now more and more people like to visit South Korea. People are interested in the tradition,clothes,songs,movies,TV series and presents.Do you want to know good manners about giving gifts?In South Korea,you should remember these things when you are giving a gift.
1.Wrap gift nicely. You can wrap gifts in red or yellow paper because these are lucky colors.In their minds,yellow or pink means happiness.Do not wrap gifts in green,white,or black paper.Learn to use the correct color when you wrap gifts.
2.Do not buy four gifts. In their minds,the number 4 is unlucky. So you should not prepare 4 things as a gift. The number 7 is lucky, so giving 7 small gifts is lucky.
3.Use both hands when you give a gift. If you use one hand to give a gift, people will think you are rude. Of course, people who receive a gift should use both hands, too.
when you want to wrap gifts, you can use ______ paper.

A.yellow B.green
C.white D.black

In South Korea, you should use _______ when you give a gift.

A.the right hand B.the left hand
C.both hands D.one hand

What’s the best title for passage?

A.How to Travel in South Korea
B.How to Give Gifts in South Korea
C.What to Eat in South Korea
D.Lucky Numbers and Unlucky Numbers
