These are our books. Please look after_________.
( ) (5)当小朋友问你,现在是几月的时候,你会说:A.It is April. B.It is Sunday. C.It is sunny.
( ) (4)当你的同学约你,在植树节一起去植树的时候,你会说:A.Let’s go . B.See you soon. C.Here you are .
( ) (3)当你的妈妈问你的弟弟正在做什么的时候,你会说:A.My brother is walking out of the hall.B.My brother is young.C.My brother is very tall.
( ) (2)当你的同学问你,你的爸爸个子是高的还是矮的时候,你会怎么回答:A.My father is tall.B.My father is handsome.C.My father is old.
( ) (1)你想要告诉你的朋友今天是个晴天的时候,你会怎么说:A.Today is a sunny day.B.It is a rainy day.C.Today is a windy day.