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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 332

An earthquake may happen at any time. It’s best for us to know what to do, where to safe and who to contact during the earthquake. The following information will help you.
Remember: Prepare your personal earthquake bag. Collect these items and keep them somewhere near you. Water, food, medicine, mobile, phone, torch(手电筒),personal washing things, blanket, money.
Remember: Drop, Hide, Hold and contact. Drop to the floor and protect your head and neck with your arms. Hide yourself beside something like a table, a bed and so on. Hold the furniture so that you won’t move away during the earthquake. Contact family friends to tell them where you are.
Remember: Never do these things. Stand to the close to the buildings stand under the trees or signs because it’s better for you to stand in an open space. Go too close to the power lines(电线) because you may be badly hurt by electricity.
What does the under line word “contact” mean in the passage?

A.求救 B.联络 C.接触 D.帮助

Where should we drop to protect our head and neck with our arms?

A.on the table B.behind the door
C.on the floor D.beside the furniture

It is safer for you to stand_______ during the earthquake.

A.close to a building. B.beside power lines.
C.under a tree D.in an open space.

According to the passage, how many main items should we remember during the earthquake?

A.three B.two C.four D.five

Which is the best title of the passage?

A.The Personal Earthquake Bag.
B.The reasons of the Earthquake.
C.Different Kinds of Earthquakes.
D.It’s Better to be Safe than Sorry.
