首页 / 初中英语 / 试题详细
  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 单词拼写
  • 难度 较难
  • 浏览 1832

Her________(smile) face told us that she was very happy at that moment.
What is the_________( quickly) way to remember all the new words in this book ?
Some of my friends come to see me every ____________( weekly)
This book is so___________( bored). I don’t want to read one more page of it.
Don’t believe him. He often_________( lie ) to others.
Here are some presents I bought in Hong Kong. You can___________( choice ) one.
Don’t ask him to do any more work, because he is ________( real ) very tired.
We have lunch in a big __________( dine ) hall at our school.
Our school basketball team ___________( winner ) again yesterday.
I have a ___________( foreigner ) friend, and he can speak Chinese very well.

