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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 完型填空
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1867

完形填空(本题有15小题, 每小题1分,共15分)
阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
There was once a rich man who loved money than anything else in the world. He didn’t ___exactly how much he had, so he asked a little girl to count all his money___ him.
It ____ the little girl six days to count all the money. When she told the rich man that he had forty-two          dollars, he was ____ and asked, “How much do you want?” He thought that ___ she was only a child, he could pay her only a little money.
The girl said, “well, I worked for six days, so I think you ____ pay me for six days. Give me two pennies for the first day. Each day after that, just give me the *amount you give me the day before, *multiplied by itself.
The _____ was happy to hear that, because he thought that in this     ___ he would only have to give her a _____ dollars. What a ___ little girl! But he was afraid that she would change her mind, so he asked his lawyer to write that down and made the girl *sign her ___.
On the ____ day the rich man paid her two pennies, and on the second day, two pennies *times two pennies, or four pennies
Each day after that, he gave ____ the number of pennies he had given her the day before, multiplied by itself. And by the sixth day, the *foolish rich man    __ give the smart little girl all his 42 million dollars!

A.work B.know C.have D.think

A.for B.to C.with D.of

A.cost B.paid C.took D.spent

A.million B.hundred C.thousand D.quarter

A.relaxed B.angry C.sad D.happy

A.because B.if C.though D.but

A.could B.would C.might D.should

A.girl B.rich man C.people D.two

A.point B.road C.hand D.way

A.many B.much C.few D.little

A.clever B.silly C.hardworking D.kind

A.address B.money C.number D.name

A.first B.second C.third D.sixth

A.him B.her C.them D.us

A.could B.was able to C.had to D.stopped to

