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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1356

What do people drink in Western countries? They drink coffee, of course. Tea is the drink of us Chinese. Think again. In the West, tea is seeing to be cool again.
In Western countries like the UK, coffee used to be the fashionable drink. Jenny Northam, a 28-year-old English woman, remembers that ten years ago tea was unfashionable. “At that time young people didn’t like tea. We thought drinking tea was uncool and old-fashioned. Tea was    something we only drank when visiting grandparents.”
Several years ago US pop icon Madonna, who lived in Britain, published a children’s book   called The English Roses. She launched the book with a tea party. Since Madonna is the “Queen of Cool”, she took a big part in making tea fashionable. The British tradition of afternoon tea was fashionable again.
In Britain, hotels accept bookings (预定) for afternoon tea weeks in advance. The trend (趋向) had also taken off in the US. In New York and Los Angeles, more and more cafes are serving tea.
The tea craze is not only down to Madonna, of course. People drink tea because they connect it with the idea of living life at a slower pace.
People drink coffee and tea at different times. Coffee is seen as the drink of people in a hurry; tea of those who like to spend their time.
Ten years ago, tea was _____________.

A.in style B.fashioned
C.old-fashioned D.cool

What’s the meaning of the phrase “pop icon” ?

A.流行偶像 B.流行歌星
C.流行音乐 D.流行明星

The English Roses is the name of a _____________.

A.movie B.picture C. hotel D.book

Ten years ago young people drank tea when they visited their __________.

A.friends B.parents
C.grandparents D.classmates

The man who wants to spend his time with his friends, perhaps he will drink ______.

A.coffee B.tea
C.orange D.drinks
