《舌尖上的中国·第2季》以美食为窗口,介绍了全国各地千百年来形成的独特美食,其中一集展示了呼伦贝尔特色风味"野韮菜花",它以其天然的原材料,精良的制作过程及其独特的口味,彰显了草原饮食文化的魅力,这( ) ①反映了中华饮食文化源远流长 ②是勇敢的民族精神的体现 ③说明不同民族饮食习惯不同,体现出文化的差异 ④表明各个国家和民族的文化应相互融合,走向单一
There is no possibility, ________ can be seen at the moment, ________ we can win the game.
We are good friends though he is ten years ________ to me.
Nine out of ten women ______ about the product said they liked it.
---Is everyone here?---Not yet, look, there _____ the rest of the students.
Do you think our teacher’s advice will _____ solving the problem?