看图,读词组,根据图片选择恰当的词组。(共8分,每小题1分) A take pictures B go cycling C listen to music D clean the car E drive bumper cars F study for a test! G make the bed H play the flute I do art projects 例: (C) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
请听一段人物介绍,根据介绍选择正确的信息。介绍将播放三遍。(共5分,每小题1分) 例:Name:(A) A. Tom B.Sam C. Mike (1)Appearance:( ) (2)Job ( ) (3)Time ( ) A .7:00 a.m一10:00 p. m. B. 7:00a.m一9:00 p. m C. 7:00a.m.一11:00 p. m. (4)Hobby (5)Favourite food
听叙述,根据听到的内容推测并回答相应的问题。每道叙述将播放两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) 例:(C)What is she going to do? (1)Which backpack is she going to buy? (2)what should she do before she goes to bed? (3)What is Bob going to make? (4)What is he going to do? (5)What should Amy do?