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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1390

An old tiger lived in the forest. He couldn’t look for food himself. One day, he was very hungry. He said to the monkey, “Please go and look for food for me!”  “Sorry, I can’t. There is a tiger over there, too. I’m afraid of him!”  “What?” the old tiger was angry, show me that tiger.”  “Come with me, please,” said the monkey. They came to river.  “Look, he’s in the river! He says he’s No.1 in t e forest! “the old tiger was very angry,  “ I’ll eat him up!” with these words, the tiger jumped into the river.
(1)he old tiger _______ look for food.
A. Could      B couldn’t       C/
(2)He asked the ________ to look for food for him.
A. Other tiger     B. lion      C. monkey
(3)Was there other(别的) tigers here?.________.
A. No.    B. Yes.    C.  There were two tigers in the forest.
(4)The monkey was _______ afraid of (害怕)the old tiger.
A. Very      B. not       C.  a little
(5)The monkey took the old tiger to the _______.
A. forest       B zoo       C. river

