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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1751

A farmer was going to die(死亡)。 He wished(希望) to show his sons the best way of farming. So he called his sons to him, and said to them, “My children, I am going to die. I leave something for you. They are in the yard(院子).
The sons thought perhaps there was some treasure(宝藏) in the yard. So as soon as the old man died, they began to work with their spades and ploughs(铁锹和耕犁). They turned up the soil(翻土) over and over again, but they didn’t find any treasure.
However(尽管如此), in this way, the rice grew faster and better than ever before(比以前更好). And the sons got much more money.
(1)One day the farmer called his sons together because_____________.
he was going to die.
he wanted to give them some treasure
he wanted to ask them some questions
he needed their help
(2)What did the farmer leave in the yard?
A. A lot of rice.      B. The spades.      C. The ploughs.    D. Nothing.
(3)Did the sons find any treasure in the yard?
A. Yes, they did.
B. No, they didn’t.
C. Yes, but not to much.
D. Yes, they found a lot of gold.
(4)How was the rice after the sons turned up the soil?
A. It grew quickly but bad.
B. It grew well and quickly.
C. It grew well but slowly
D. It went to die.
(5)What was the real(真正的) treasure?
A.The sons’ hard-working.
B. The sons waited every day and did nothing
C. Spades and ploughs
D. The rice.

