听音,圈出A或B。(8分)1.A B 2.A B 3.A B 4.A B
当朋友对你说“How are you?”你回答:A.Fine, thank you. B.I’m ten.C.How are you?
当你想对朋友说”她喜欢音乐”,你说:A.She likes music. B.He likes music.C.She like music.
当你想对父母说自己的朋友很强壮时,你说:A.My friend is quiet. B.My friend is strong.C.Her friend is strong.
当你向别人介绍“她是长头发。”你说:A.She has short hair. B.He is long hair.C.She has long hair.
当你想告诉同学你有32本笔记本时,你说:A.I have thirty–two notebook books.B.I have forty-two story-books.C.I have thirty-two English book.