完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。(本大题共9分,每小题1.5分) 你清楚你父母结婚多久了吗? Are you clear how long _________________________________________? 和即将到来的世界杯相比,南京的青少年更关注青奥会。 _________________________ World Cup, the teenagers in Nanjing pay more attention to the Youth Olympic Games. 他们面临的任务似乎远远超出了他们的能力。 The task they are facing ___________________________________ their abilities. 他们答应不将这个秘密说出去吗? Do they promise to ________________________________________________? 彼得情绪不好, 没吃早饭就走了。 Peter was _________________________________ that he left without having breakfast. 杰克足够坚强,不会轻易放弃拉小提琴的。 Jack is strong ______________________________ practicing playing the violin easily.
Beijing Olympic Park In the north of Beijing, there is China’s largest city park---- Beijing Olympic Park. It covers 12 square kilometers. During the 2008 Olympic Games, the park hosted the opening and closing ceremonies, and 15 major events. After the Olympics, the park would be used to help keep the air fresh in the city. The Bird’s Nest and Water Cube are both in it. There are more than 80 sculptures standing in the centre of the park for us to enjoy. They are showing the Olympic spirit of “Faster, Higher and Stronger.
根据所给中文完成句子翻译,每空词数不限 (共16分,局部翻译每题1分,整句翻译每题2分) .学会与人相处,你会有更多的朋友。 If you _________________________people, you will have more friends. . 让人感到幸福是重要的。 It is important _____________________. . 老实说,我宁愿安静地看电视 To be honest, I______________________________. 无论你说什么,他不会改变主意。 Whatever you say, he___________________________. 他把所有的钱都捐出来建学校了。 He _____________________to set up schools. 坚持追求你的理想, 总有一天你会美梦成真的。 _________________________and they may just come true one day. 你现在身体好些了吗? __________________________ 她多久购一次物? __________________________ 它是用来保暖的。 __________________________ 这双鞋一定是我的。 __________________________ 我买这本书都一个星期啦。__________________________
根据所给提示将下列各句译成英语。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) 我们应该立刻采取行动保护大熊猫。 We should __________________ to protect giant pandas ____________________. 为了研究鸟类,他一年到头呆在扎龙。 __________________ study the birds, he stays in Zhalong ______________________. 因为即将来临的2014世界杯,成千上万的球迷准备去巴西。 ____________ the coming 2014 World Cup, ______________ football fans are going to Brazil. 下雪天我和我的朋友们喜欢打雪仗。 ________________ days, my friends and I like to ____________________________. 孩子们,请尽可能认真地写下你的答案。 Boys and girls, please _______________ your answers _____________________________.
完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空只写一词) 不要强迫自己老当第一。 Don’t ________ _______ ______ ________ to be number one ______ _____. 他哄骗我排队等候了很久。 He _____ ________ _____ ______ _______ _______ ______ for a long time. 他们的辛勤劳动对城市的发展做出了很大的贡献。 Their hard work _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______ ______ of cities. 如果你继续投入精力,你一定会成功的。 You are sure to succeed if you ______ ______ _____ ____ _____ _____ ___. 他在决定做某事之前,总是深思熟虑。 Before he ______ ____ _______ ______ ____ _____, he would always think carefully.