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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 完型填空
  • 难度 较难
  • 浏览 1470

Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All announced that they were the best, the most important and the most useful,
Green said, “_____ I am the most important, I’m the sign of life. Look around, and you will see that I am almost everywhere.”
Blue interrupted, “You only think about the earth. But consider the sky and sea, they gives space and peace. Without my peace, you would all be______.”
Yellow chuckled, “I bring laughter and warmth into the world. Every time you looked at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no____. “
Orange started next to blow her trumpet, “Who is the ________ of health and strength? It’s me, think of carrots, pumpkins, and oranges. Although I don’t hang around all the time, I carry the most important vitamins.”
Red could no longer______it and he shouted out, “I am the ruler of all of you. I am the color of danger and bravery. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon. “
Purple_____Up to his full height. He was very tall and said, “ I am the color of power. Kings, have always chosen me for I am the sign of authority and wisdom.”
And indigo(靛青色) started to Speak…… The colors’ quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly rain started to pour down. The colors were all_______, and crowded close to one another for comfort.
Rain began to speak, “You foolish colors. Don’t you know that you were each made for a special purpose? Join hands with one another and come to me, “
Doing_______they were told, the colors united and joined hands. The rain continued, “From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch(伸展)_ ___ the sky to form a great rainbow, the rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow. And so, whenever a heavy rain washes the world , a rainbow with ______ colors appears in the sky. Let us remember to appreciate one another.”

A.luckily B.clearly C.carefully D.firstly

A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything

A.fun B.problem C.life D.trouble

A.mark B.reason C.sign D.sense

A.sit B.listen C.hear D.stand

A.rose B.looked C.put D.turned

A.excited B.surprised C.afraid D.angry

A.because B.as C.when D.since

A.in B.through C.over D.across

A.five B.six C.seven D.eight

