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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 较难
  • 浏览 1254

A. Here is Jilin Children’s Hospital .It is at 135 Jiling Street Jilin City. There are many advanced equipment about children. Zhao Weibing is a famous doctor. His telephone number is  (0432) 6983245. And E-mail is Zhaoweibing@sohu. com.
B. HongXing Supermarket lies in the center of Wanda. Lots of goods are sold. Foods, vegetables and fruits are for sale now. On the second floor, Some clothes for children are on sale, and the price is the lowest of all.. Welcome to choose.
C. The Painting on World of Sports . In the city center lies a famous stadium where the first-class sportsmen are training for the coming games. You are  allowed to take some pictures of them when they are training.
D.This is Jiling Jiajia Company. It is at 35 Jiling Street Jilin City.There are lots of compers and mobile phones here. We can also repair these machines. Li Weihua is  a computer engineer. His telephone number is (0432)2458988. E-mail: 1 wh988@263.com.
Mrs White is free today. She can go to ________ to buy something for her daily life.
Li Ping, a famous Chinese artist, who is good at painting and drawing. He can go to______.
There is something wrong with my compter. What should I do ?
You can go to _______ and ask for help.
If my baby has a fever, I will go to ______and try to know some ways to avoid common cold.

