“无论您的五官会跳舞还是脖子会唱歌,只要您肯秀出绝活,就有机会登上《我要上春晚》的舞台。只要您身怀绝技,富有创意,拥有梦想,您就是我们要找的人!”这则“开门办春晚”的广告启示我们( )①实现文化创新需要摒弃传统、标新立异 ②要发展多类型、多风格的文化满足人民的需求 ③要发挥人民群众在文化创新中的主体作用 ④文化发展要追求指导思想的多元化
I don't think it __________ to stay up late in the night and sleep until midday the next day.
The form cannot be signed by anyone __________ yourself.
In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled __________ the local market.
To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions __________ had used the products.
The days are gone __________ physical strength was all you needed to make a living.