依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )一个人处世,拿得起是一种勇气,放得下是一种 。对于人生道路上的鲜花、掌声,有处世经验的人大都能 ,屡经风雨的人更有自知之明。 对于坎坷与泥泞,能以平常心视之,就非易事了。既来之,则安之,便是一种超脱,这种超脱足够人们受用 。
﹣Where would you like to go tomorrow, Huangguoshu Waterfall or Dragon Palace?
﹣____________ is OK for me. It's up to you.( )
﹣I don't think teachers should give too much homework to_______ the free time of students.
﹣Exactly!( )
give up
take up
look up
put up
﹣Could you please tell me _______________?
﹣It's next to the People's Bank of China.( )
where is Wang Ruofei Square
where Wang Ruofei Square is
where was Wang Ruofei Square
where Wang Ruofei Square was
﹣Have you seen the hot film Wandering Earth____________?
﹣Yes, I have.____________ wonderful science fiction movie it is!( )
yet, How a
already ,How
yet, What a
already, What
﹣Roy never likes junk food.
﹣Neither do I. That's probably why I'm becoming ____________ now.( )
healthy and healthy
more and more healthily
weaker and weaker
healthier and healthier