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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1596

Spring is coming.People in different countries like different outdoor activities.Leo,a reporter from Learning English in interviewing(采访)some students.Here is what they have said.
Mary (13, America)  
I want to go out of the city to a beautiful field. It's happy to smell beautiful flowers, touch green grass and take some photos. And I like to have a picnic in the field, It's interesting!
Jim (14, Canada)  
The weather turns warmer and they days become longer in spring. It's a good time to go camping. It would be fun to sleep in a tent. I enjoy the comfortable weather too.
Tony (13, England)
In spring, I like going cycling alone. It can not only make me enjoy the beautiful season but also help me became stronger. I can write something about what I see on the way.
Wang Fang (12, China)
I'm good at making all kinds of kites. And in spring. I like flying kites with my family or my friends in the park. One of us holds the kite. and another one catches the line. It's exciting to see the kite flying high in the sky.
Mary maybe lives in the ______.

A.town B.city C.field D.country

Jim thinks it fun to ______.

A.sleep in a tent B.take some photos
C.fly kites D.have a picnic

Tony likes going cycling in spring because ______.

A.he can enjoy the nice weather
B.it can make his body strong
C.his bike is very cool
D.both A and B

Wang Fang always flies kites ______.

A.by herself B.on rainy days
C.with her family or friends D.in the field

Which one is WRONG according to the passage?

A.Jim is the oldest one of the four.
B.Mary is from England.
C.Making kites is Wang Fang's hobby.
D.Tony is interested in writing.
