What is ________ you,young man?
I’ve worked with child before, so I know what ________ in my new job.
请以“ The happy life ”为题,根据以下的内容描述一下你现在的幸福生活和对未来的憧憬。内容提示:1学校生活乐趣多,和同学一起学习,相处融洽。2希望将来有个喜欢的好的工作。3现在努力学习,希望梦想成真。要求80字左右,内容丰富,自由发挥,不涉及真实姓名。 。
Anna, have you ____seen China’s Got Talent ? Of course, I ____it last weekend.
—How ___ is it from Xi’an to Dunhuang?—It’s less than 3 ___ flight.
It’s said that ______of the water around the world___ polluted.