People are attracted to a restaurant by more than just good food. Though important, good food is only a part of the whole dining experience. Equally important is the way people feel while in the restaurant. This physical and emotional response is a result of the atmosphere.
Atmosphere is made up of e
_ that makes an impression on people. The building design, the decorations, the colors of the walls, the service and the food create the atmosphere. The right atmosphere can relax g_
and bring good feelings and repeat customers. The p
atmosphere can make the food, the service and the total dining experience seem satisfying.
People want a dining experience-an e
from problems and everyday surroundings. The atmosphere should show a feeling of friendliness and comfort, be attractive and interestingly different. The atmosphere is remembered long though the meal is f
. For the restaurant owner, this means repeat customers and, hopefully, a profitable operation.
Not everyone wants the same emotional response from a restaurant's atmosphere. After working all day long, most people would prefer to eat in a quiet, relaxing atmosphere. However, for those who have worked alone in a quiet environment, a n_
cafeteria might satisfy their needs. It is, therefore, very important to be thoroughly familiar with the type of people who you will s_
in your workplace.
Designing the "right " atmosphere takes careful consideration. It should be designed to attract.