
One day, a student was talking with a professor (教授), who’s kind to those who waited on his
As they went along, they saw a pair of old shoes
on the path (小路), which, they supposed, belonged to a poor man working in a nearby field (田地). He had neatly finished his
The student came to a stop, and said to the professor, “Let’s play a hoax on the man: we hide his shoes, hide ourselves and wait to see how
he would be when he finds that his shoes are
“My friend,” answered the professor, “We should never enjoy ourselves while making the poor sad. Now you are rich, why not give yourself a much greater
by helping the poor man? Put a coin into each shoe, hide ourselves and see what will happen to him.”
The student did so, and they both places themselves behind the nearby trees.
After finishing his work, the poor man came across the field to the path. Putting his foot into one of his shoes, he felt something unusual. He took off his shoes and stopped
what it was and he found the coin.
He took out the coin, surprised, and looked at it
for a while. Then he looked around, but
was there. Then he started to put on the other shoe. He got much more surprises when he found the other coin.
The poor man then looked up into the sky and shouted “Thank You!” The student stood there with tears (眼泪) in his eyes. “Now,” said the professor, “Aren’t you more pleased than if you had played
planned hoax?”
“You’ve taught me a lesson which I will never forget,” answered the student.