2012年春运铁道部实行网络售票,这对不熟悉网络操作的农民工而言增加了购票难度。农民工黄庆红以书信的方式将自己的“意见”通过报社“捎给”铁道部,引起铁道部对农民工购票难的关注。材料说明: ①享有政治自由是人民行使当家作主权利的表现 ②政府的重大决策牵涉社会各阶层的利益 ③舆论监督以其自身的特点发挥着独特作用 ④我国的民主程度日益提高,公民的利益都会得到尊重和保护
—May I use your ruler? —Yes, .
Now all passengers show their ID cards and go through the safety check before they take a train.
—Young people like Jeans. — jeans were invented over l00 years ago, they are still in style today.
You have to put the past you before you can move on.
—The movie is about to start. Let’s hurry. — .I'm going to buy some snacks.