如图4-2-6所示,ABCD是一个盆式容器,盆内侧壁与盆底BC的连接处都是一段与BC相切的圆弧,BC为水平的,其距离d=0.5 m,盆边缘的高度为h=0.3 m.在A处放一个质量为m的小物块并让其从静止出发下滑.已知盆内侧壁是光滑的,而BC面与小物块间的动摩擦因数为μ=0.1.小物块在盆内来回滑动,最后停下来,则停的地点到B的距离为( )图4-2-6
--- Can you tell me where Tom is? --- He ________ on the playground. A. plays B. playing C. is playing
-- _______ bad weather! -- So it is. A. What B. How C. What a
What _____ it is to go horse riding __________ weather!
________ great scientist Qian Xuesen is!
()I think _______ necessary for you _______ breakfast.