某市城管执法人员从环境保护角度对露天烧烤摊主讲明道理,劝其离开。对那些劝说不听、屡教不改者则依据有关规定给予了行政处罚。这一做法坚持了( )
(2013·大纲卷)Only By increasing the numBer of doctors By 50 percent properly in this hospital.
(2013·新课标Ⅱ卷) It was only after he had read the papers Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.
(2013·新课标Ⅱ卷) Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent properly in this hospital.
The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police ________.
If ________ to look after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once.