2010年9月8日,直通中南海—中央领导人和中央机构留言版正式开通,网民当天给胡锦涛总书记留言的有1万6千多条,有1万1千多条留言给温家宝总理,内容集中在反腐败.高房价.教育改革.医疗改革等方面。利用网络的优势,实现了人民群众和政府的及时交流,这说明①我国公民的民主意识.政治素养不断增强 ②我国人民当家作主的权利有法律保障③积极建言献策是公民必须履行的政治性义务④网络成为公民参与政治生活的重要通道
They have to explain ______ us the reason _____ their doing so.
Hand in hand with reading, Dave ____ the habit of making notes.
In the past few years, Chinese scientists ________ great success in the field of space flight.
History is _______ a subject which only lets us know something in history..
I’m ____your class today so you must do ____ I tell you.