高速铁路领先世界,高原铁路世界一流,重载铁路屡创世界奇迹……我国铁路营业里程跃居世界第二,并昂首跨入高速时代,高速铁路里程世界第一。我国铁路领域取得的骄人成就,其政治意义在于( )①优化我国的资源配置 ②提高我国的国际影响力 ③增强我国铁路企业的国际竞争力 ④增强民族凝聚力和民族自豪感
Eric nearly always wins the science award.That’s because his projects are ___.
Our city has changed a great deal,It doesn’t even resemble ___.
I did not call to make my airline reservation, but I ___.
The other apartments I looked at were too expensive.So, I’m better off ___ where I am.
Ann doesn’t like milk.She said that she never ___it at home.