假定2009年生产1件某种商品的社会必要劳动时间是20小时,价值用货币表示为2000元,A公司的劳动时间是10小时,产量为10万件。如果2010年生产该种商品的社会劳动生产率提高1倍,A公司的劳动生产率提高50%,由A公司2010年的收入与2009年相比( )
Top players must have excellent ball control, but it is not just ______ they do with their feet ______ counts.
We want the case to be reopened even if there is the risk ______ it would concern football players.
China’s economic development has made ______ rapid progress in the past 20 years and young people have made ______ great contribution to this progress.
It is ______ he often fails in exams ______ makes his parents worried about him.
The project ______ by the end of 2007, will expand the city’s telephone network to cover 2,000,000 users.