每年三月,春花烂漫时,我国都要召开全国人民代表大会和全国政治协商会议,全国人大代表和全国政协委员汇集北京,共商国是。人大与人民政协的共同特点是 ①都是爱国统一战线组织 ②都要接受中国共产党的领导 ③都是我国重要的国家机关 ④都是社会主义民主的重要实现形式
Between the two windows a picture.
In the continuous high temperature weather, it is not to fit to gather. That is we cancel the discussion
It was his courage, not his skill, really struck me most
The factory is used to be an art museum, people could learn about various cultures.
I think I have reached the point, I enjoy seeing the scenery of the city.