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Her answer is not the same as yours.

A.different in B.have differences from
C.different from D.difference in
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What do you think of the scary movie?

A.think up B.think in
C.think about D.think
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  • 难度:未知

— Could you please help me? We need another twenty chairs.
— Sure. I’ll do it right now.

A.twenty chairs B.twenty more chairs
C.more than twenty chairs D.as many as twenty chairs.
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Old Henry is in good health.

A.healthy B.stressed out
C.quiet D.tired
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Not all students like sports.

A.All students B.Every student
C.Some students D.No students
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Is there _____ about Shenzhou X today?

A.anything new B.new anything
C.something new D.new something
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  • 难度:未知

We ____ Beijing the next morning. Mr.Li came to meet us at the railway station.

A.reached in B.arrived at
C.arrived in D.got at
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Look,there ____ some junk food on the table.

A.is B.are C.has D.have
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— What do you think of Lily and Lucy?     — I think Lily is ____ than Lucy.

A.outgoing B.more outgoing
C.very outgoing D.much outgoing
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Eating a lot of vegetables __________ good __________ our health.

A.is, to B.are, for
C.are, at D.is, for
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Thanks for __________ my grandpa when I was away.

A.looking at B.looking for
C.looking after D.looking up
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Simon watches TV three_______ four________ a week.

A.and, times B.and, time
C.or, times D.or, time
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We __________ used computers many years ago, but now they’re everywhere.

A.always B.often
C.usually D.hardly ever
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When winter(冬天) comes, the days get_______.

A.short and short B.shorter and shorter
C.long and long D.longer and longer
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It’s important _______ us __________English well.

A.of, learning B.for, to learn
C.of, to learn D.with ,learn
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Long time ____ see.

A.not B.no C.did’t D.don’t
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My friend did’t go to the park ____ the rain.

A.because B.for
C.because of D.as
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_____ the students in our class did’t go to see the film last night.

A.Ten percent B.Ten of percent
C.Ten percent of D.Ten percents
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____ do you go to the movies ,Jack?   Twice a month.

A.How soon B.How far
C.How often D.How long
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  • 难度:未知

Beijing is one of the       in the world today.

A.busiest city B.busiest cities
C.busy city D.busy cities
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  • 难度:未知

Last month we asked our students       their free time activities. Our questions were about exercise , use of the Internet and watching TV . Here       the results.
We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise     . Forty-five percent exercise four to six times a week .Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week .And twenty percent do not exercise         .
We all know that many students often      , but we were         that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day.        ten percent use it at three or four times a week.     students use it for fun and not for homework..
The answers     our questions about        television were also interesting. Only two percent of the students watch TV one to three times a week . Thireteen percent watch TV four to six times a week. And eighty—five percent watch TV every day!     many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular.
It is good        by  using the Internet or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise . It is healthy for the mind and the body. Exercise       playing sports is fun , and you can         time with your friends and family        you play together. And remember,” old habits die hard”. So start exercising before it is too late !

A.to B.about C.of D.with

A.is B.was C.were D.are

A.every day B.everyday C.every D.day

A.every day B.at all C.almost D.most all

A.get online B.be online C.go online D.online

A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising D.surprises

A.the other B.other C.others D.another

A.Most of B.Most the C.Most D.The most

A.with B.by C.about D.to

A.watch B.watches C.watching D.watched

A.But B.Although C.Because D.so

A.to relax B.relax C.relaxing D.relaxed

A.for example B.such as C.and so D.such that

A.cost B.take C.spend D.pay

A.while B.when C.then D.as

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Huangguoshu Waterfall is in________.

A.Yunnan B.Guizhou
C.Guangxi D.Hainan
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Which of the following places is NOT in Beijing?

A.Tian’anmen Square B.West Lake
C.the Great Wall D.the Palace Museum
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If you want to keep healthy, you can’t eat______everyday.

A.vegetables B.fish
C.junk food D.fruit
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________ is a good habit for students.

A.Using the Interner everyday
B.Watching TV over 3 hours a day
C.Exercising every morning
D.Drinking coffee before going to bed
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970AM is the worst radio station because ________.

A.it plays the most boring songs
B.it has the friendliest service
C.it is the most popular
D.the DJs choose the songs the most carefully
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  • 难度:未知

The following statements are all about friends, which one is NOT true?

A.Agood friend is like a mirror.
B.Friends are like books-you don’t need a lot of them as they are good.
C.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart
D.A good friend always laughs at you when you are in trouble.
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  • 难度:未知

Mrs Green’s telephone number was three-four-six-three, and the number of the cinema near her house was three-four-six-four, so people often made a mistake and telephoned her when they wanted the cinema.
One evening the telephone rang and Mrs Green answered it. A tired man said, “At what time does your last film begin?”
“I’m sorry”, she said Mrs Green, “but you have the wrong number. T his is not the cinema.”
“Oh, it began twenty minutes ago,” said the man.” That’s too bad. Goodbye.”
Mrs Green was very surprised ,so she told her husband .He laughed and said ,”The man’s wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard him, but she didn’t hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening ,and husband will be happy!”Mrs Green ’s telephone number was__________

A.3634 B.3463 C.3464 D.3644

People often made a mistake and telephone her when they wanted__________

A.the cinema B.the shop
C.the factory D.the visit

Why was Mrs Green very surprised after she answered the telephone?

A.Because the man had the wrong number
B.Because the man said sorry to her
C.Because the man didn’t say to her but said something else.
D.Because the man’s voice was very low
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What is a good friend like?
May 19,2013,9:32pm
I think a good friend likes to do the same things as me.Jack is my best friend. We both like to play the guitar after class.
May 19,2013 9:40pm
For me,a good friend makes me laugh.
He or she likes to talk about something interesting and funny.
I think a good friend should be a good listener, and he or she should keep secrets(秘密) for me—that ’s more important for me.
May19,2013,9:55 pm
In my opinion, a good friend should have cool clothes and he or she is popular in school. He or she should be good at sports, because I like doing sports.
As we are students, I think a good friend should be good at schoolwork. Then we can help each other and learn from each other.
I think good friends should help each other, when I am in trouble, Kelly always helps me.

Who can be Holly’s friend?

A.Someone who is very quiet
B.Someone who likes to talk about interesting things
C.Someone who is good at schoolwork.
D.Someone who is very cool and popular.

Who wants his or her friends to do well in their schoolwork?

A.Molly B.Toby C.Jim D.Sally

What does Jack like?

A.Playing the guitar B.Sports
C.Making others laugh D.Schoolwork

Whose friend is Kelly?

A.Jim’s B.Toby’s
C.Sally’s D.Molly’s
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  • 难度:未知

Liu Xiang is a famous runner in the world. He was the winner of the Athens Olympics(雅典奥运会) . The Chinese people are proud (自豪) of him. He is a hard-working young man. He is still strong and healthy. Why is he in good health? He usually gets up early in the morning and exercises every day. He likes listening to music and he sings well. (1)He has good eating habits. He never  eats junk food and hardly ever smokes and drinks.He goes to bed early and sleeps 8 hours every night.(2)He often says, “It is important for health to have a good lifestyle(生活方式).

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  • 难度:未知

What are they doing for holiday?
They are happy because they are on holiday.Mary is visiting her aunt in Paris. She is very excited to be in Paris. It is a very well-known city. And it is a good place to go shopping!
Jack is fishing in the lake. Because the water is very clean, there are so many fish in the lake. Jack is having a good harvest (收获).
Simon and Bill are good friends. They are usually very busy with their study every day. So they want to do something different. They are riding bikes together in the beautiful countryside. It’s relaxing.
Jesse is taking some photos in the park. The park is very beautiful in autumn, and it’s a good place to take photos.
Everyone gets tired sometimes. It’s important to have a rest. And it’s good for your health. It can help you work or study better, too. I hope everyone is having a good time.

What are they doing for _______?
Things they are doing
In Paris
In the lake
Simon and Bill
In the countryside
Taking photos


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bought something for my parents,but didn’t buy anything for_______(我自己) .
My father is reading the _________ (杂志)on the sofa.
Lucy likes telling jokes, but Lily is serious. So Lucy is _________(funny) than Lily.
The film is very ________(成功的).
The number 4 is an_________(lucky) number in China.
Jim is good at English, he is one of the ________(good) students in his class.

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  • 难度:未知

G:Greg    H:Helen
G:Hi, I am Greg.__________________________________.
H:Hi,IamHelen.Welcome to the neighborhood!_____________________________________?
G:Oh,it’s fantastic, but I still don’t really know my way aroud.
H:Well, the best supermarket is on Center Street.You can buy the feashest food there.
G:Oh,great.__________________________________________? I love watching movies.
H:Yes, Sun Cinema is ______________________.You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest sests.
G:Thanks for telling me.
H: __________________________________.

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