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The police are going to charge him_______ dangerous driving.

A.with B.about C.from D.on
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- Where Are We Going Dad has become one of China's most popular TV shows.
- Yes._______ film with the same name as_______ TV show will hit screens in 2014.

A.The;/ B.A; a C.The; a D.A; the
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We know_______ about the new-boss except her name. We hope to know her better.

A.everything B.nothing
C.anything D.something
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I find it very difficult to_______ -I just spend everything I get.

A.pass B.add
C.share D.save
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- I'll miss you.    - Let's call each other_______ and keep in touch online.

A.properly B.usually
C.regularly D.really
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Jo likes summer the_______ because she has serious problems sleeping in the summer heat.

A.last B.least C.best D.first
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- Did the teacher tell us_______ to the station?  - Yes. She said we should meet there at ten.

A.how to get B.what to get
C.when to get D.where to get
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Talk to them in a nice way. But if they still refuse_______, call the police.

A.to leave B.leaving
C.leave D.left
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The phone rang just_______ he walked out of the shower.

A.while B.when
C.since D.as
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- Mom, can I go swimming with Tommy?
- I'm afraid not, dear. You're_______ to go without adults.

A.old enough B.enough old
C.not old enough D.not enough old
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- You look good in blue.    -_______.

A.No, I don't think so. B.Yes, you're right.
C.It's nice of you to say so. D.Thanks for your help.
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When Nelson Mandela_______ on December 5th, 2013, the whole world mourned the loss.

A.moved away B.passed away
C.put away D.ran away
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- It is said that students can take English tests more than once each year.
-And only the highest score_______.

A.will be taken B.has taken
C.will take D.has been taken
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My neighbours had a terrible argument last night. They were shouting at each other_______ one in the morning.

A.before B.until
C.after D.for
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Which of the following is NOT giving advice?

A.You'd better ask the teacher for help.
B.You'll have to do more exercise to keep fit.
C.Why don't you play some music for us to relax?
D.Why do you have to take all these tests?
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In the Pacific Northwest during winter, 5.15 a.m. might be the middle of night. It is not only dark, but also cold. If you asked me a year ago if I could run early on a winter morning, I would laugh.        ,last fall I connected with a friend. She'd been running with a partner in the morning and had     forty pounds that year .I knew I could also have the same kind of weight loss. Since her running partner wasn't running, I asked if I could      her.
The first two months were     ,because we ran twice a week at 5.15 a.m. My body wasn't used to the early hours and every run was difficult. Then it snowed and we took two months     . When the roads were clear, we soon were running together five days a week. As I'd changed the route of running, I discovered little   that made it even more worthy(值得的)than a little weight loss. As we couldn't see other runners' faces, we said "good morning" to them    shining a flashlight(手电筒).Running in the dark made us part of a club. When the sky was clear, I noticed lots of stars. It    me of summertime camping and I looked forward to running in warmer weather.
Though I haven't taken off forty pounds yet, it's amazing how much more    I have and  how much stronger I feel. Because of the morning run, the rest of the day is more productive(有成效的)than before,1 wouldn't say I've    a morning person, but l would say morning run is now my thing.

A.However B.Therefore C.Instead D.Otherwise

A.got B.lost C.missed D.achieved

A.invite B.leave C.join D.teach

A.short B.easy C.interesting D.hard

A.away B.over C.off D.down

A.joys B.jobs C.toys D.objects

A.from B.by C.with D.without

A.reminded B.told C.warned D.informed

A.money B.time C.food D.energy

A.influenced B.forgotten C.-become D.remembered

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Online with Linda
Sheila   Posted 18-12-18.25
I’m very worried about my friend,Joleen.She’s thin but she thinks she is fat.She is always on a diet.She thinks it’s necessary for her to lose more weight.She wants to be model.She has photographs of thin models on her bedroom walls.I think she’s getting too thin,but if I talk to her about this,she get worried .How can I help her?
Simon     Posted 18-12-19.00
Sometimes ,I’m concerned about the pressure I get from my frinds.For example,yesterday I was with a group of frinds.We saw a woman lying on the street.She looked very sick.My friends made some jokes about her and laughed,but I wanted to help her.However,my friends told me not to,and I listened to them.Now I  feel ashamed.It was cruel of my friends to laugh at her but I wasn’t strong enough to say anything.
Dear Sheila,
You are right to be worried about friend,Joleen.This is a serious problem.She should not continue to be on a diet if she is very thin,she may have an illness called “anorexia”.Anorexia people are afraid of eating food.You must advise her to see a doctor soon. If she won’t do that,you should talk to her parents or to a teacher.
Dear Simon,
You feel ashamed because you should have helped the woman.You are right.Your friends were cruel to that woman.We all want our friend to like us.But we don’t have to follow our friends all the time.You’re a good boy.You should be strong enough to make up your own mind next time.
Joleen's problem is that_______.

A.she's worried about her weight B.she is getting too fat
C.she is not able to eat any food D.she wants to be a model

Linda advises Simon_______.

A.not to laugh at others B.to be himself
C.to follow his friends D.to leave his friends

The text mainly talks about_______.

A.the great pressure from our classmates
B.some teenagers' wrong behaviours at school
C.teenagers' problems of losing confidence
D.some teenage problems and certain suggestions
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A proverb is a simple saying that explains a general rule or feeling. Four people share their favorites:
Sarah /England
My favorite proverb would have to be "Don't judge (判断) a book by its' cover." I think it can be used in many daily situations. Obviously, when you meet new people, you always need to give someone a chance. So, I think that a chance is always good for someone, probably better than judging on first impressions (印象).
Gareth / England
My favorite proverb is "Hear and I forget; see and I understand; I do and I know." I like it because it means until you actually do something, it's hard to really, truly know it. I believe that a lot of the times when you're learning by hearing, it's very difficult to get that knowledge. When you see something, it gets a little bit better, but when you do something, that's when you really truly know something.
Lindsay / United States
I really like the proverb, "The grass is always greener on the other side." I think that's really true, and I find that it's always like that. I always want what I can't have, and then when I get that, then I find out that it's not as great as I had hoped it would be. So, because of this, I try to always keep that in mind and be happy for what I have.
Warren / Canada
I think "What goes around, comes around " is what comes to mind for me. I think it is really true. Basically, if you do something good, good things will happen to you. And if you do bad things, bad things are going to happen to you, maybe not right away but after a long time.
The underlined word "proverb" probably means_______.
Who thinks it is important to learn by doing?

A.Sarah. B.Gareth.
C.Lindsay. D.Warren.

Jill: My job is so boring. I wish I had my own business, like Katie does.
Jane: Katie probably wishes she had as much spare time as you do.

A.Don't judge a book by its cover.
B.What goes around, comes around.
C.The grass is always greener on the other side.
D.Hear and I forget; see and I understand; I do and I know.
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Holmes rubbed his hands together excitedly. His eyes shone and he leant forward in his chair.
"Tell us your story," he said.
Miss Morstan began her story and we listened.
"My father," she began," was a captain in the army. When I was very young, he was sent to India My mother was dead and I had no other relatives in England. So, while my father was away, I was sent to school."
"When I was seventeen, I received a letter from my father. He said that he was leaving India and coming back to England. He gave me the address of a hotel in London. He asked me to meet him there."
"I was very happy and excited about seeing my dear father again, I went to London and arrived at the hotel. I asked for Captain Morstan, my father. But I was told by the hotel manager that my father was not there. He had gone out the night before and not returned."
"I waited all day and all night, but my father didn't come back to the hotel. Finally, I went to the police. They advertised for Captain Morstan in all the newspapers, but without success. I never saw my dear father again."

"Four years after my father disappeared," continued Miss Morstan, "I saw an advertisement in the newspaper. The date was 4th May 1882. To my surprise, the advertisement asked for the address of Miss Mary Morstan, It said that ifl advertised my address, I would receive some very good news."
"What did you do?" asked Holmes.
"I advertised my address in the same newspaper. The next day, I received a small cardboard box. Inside the box was a lovely pearl(珍珠). And I have received another five pearls since that day. They arrive every year on the same day. Look."
She opened a flat box and showed us six beautiful pearls.
"_______" asked Holmes.
"Nothing at all," replied Miss Morstan. Then she continued. "But the strangest thing of all happened this morning. That is why I came to see you. This morning, I received a letter. Please read it."
"Thank you," said Holmes. He took the letter and studied it carefully,
Miss Morstan came to see Holmes mainly because_______.

A.her father has just disappeared
B.she had got some lovely pearls
C.her father asked her to do so
D.she had received a strange letter

We can guess from the last five paragraphs that Miss Morstan must be_______.

A.excited B.scared
C.angry D.proud

The right order of the story should be_______.
a. Miss Morstan saw an advertisement.
b. Miss Morstan came to see Holmes.
d. Miss Morstan received some pearls.
c. Miss Morstan received a letter from her father.
e. Captain Morstan disappeared.

A.c-e-a-d-b B.d-c-e-a-b
C.b-c-a-e-d D.e-b-c-a-d

Which question is the most suitable here?

A.There was no letter with the pearls?
B.Did you meet anyone after that?
C.Who sent these beautiful pearls?
D.These pearls were your father's?
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It's impolite to jump the   (长队).
They're   (坚持)we report it to the police right away.
Lang Lang is   (认为)to be one of the finest pianists.
I don't know what happened to her;   (无论如何),it's all over.
I asked for an   (额外的)two weeks to finish the work.
As a president, he often has to make many difficult   (决定).
Our school library   (提供)many kinds of books for us to read.
- Carl tries to do everything   
- Yes. He hates to be like others.
- Thank you for listening to my problem and giving me advice.
- My   .That's what friends are for.
- Does the magazine have its own   
- Sure. It's www,studioclassroom.com, You can visit it for more information.

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Dan likes football very much.
Dan is   about football.
You worry too much at   
Sometimes you worry too much.
I didn't know the name of the restaurant.
I'm not   with the name of the restaurant.
Her last novel came out soon after her death.
Her last novel came out   after her death.
You should email or call her and say you're sorry.
You   to email or call her and say you're sorry.
A lot of people think he is selfish, but I don't agree.
A lot of people think he is selfish, but I   
This kind of plant needs good light and regular watering.
This kind of plant   good light and regular watering.
The new underground will be finished in three years' time.
The new underground will be   in three years' time.
Children under 12 and people over 60 don't have to pay to enter the park.
The park is   for children under 12 and people over 60.
French people usually prefer to buy goods made in France.
French people usually would   buy goods made in France.

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假设你是Aunt Tara,请在阅读Kate的来信后给她写一封回信,内容须包括你的建议(至少两条)。
Dear Aunt Tara,
I have a problem with my homework. We have to do it in a group. It has to be finished this Friday, but Gary, the boy in our group, has done nothing helpful. He just keeps rocking the boat.
Every time we talk about the work with him, he always says, "Don't worry. I'll do it later." But he seldom does his job. And when he does, he does it the wrong way. Someone has to do it for him again. What's worse, when Ms. Lin asks about our group, Gary always tells her that we others don't work hard enough. I'm really mad at Gary about this. We're in the same group. Shouldn't we help each other to do a better job? What should I do? Could you give me some advice?
Dear Kate,
It is important for students to learn how to work together in a group.
Good luck.
Aunt Tara

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