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—Can I look at the menu for a few seconds before I decide?
—Of course.             ,sir.  

A.Take your time B.It doesn’t matter
C.Enjoy yourself D.Help yourself
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Some researchers believe that many patterns of nature are      rules of their own and not affected by natural selection.

A.making B.breaking C.following D.bending
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As time went on, new customs went into Christmas,and        was the Christmas tree,which was started in Germany.

A.it B.this C.that D.one
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In the last six to nine months,teens in the US        to text messaging in numbers twice that in Europe and Asia.

A.took B.have taken C.had taken D.would take
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—Sorry,Mum, I lost my key to the bicycle again.
—Oh! How         you be so careless! You have to learn to look after your belongings.

A.can B.may C.must D.dare
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In a tight job market, what you wear to an interview could be the difference between getting an          and getting rejected.

A.answer B.offer C.honor D.effort
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—The film Avatar made by James Cameron is fantastic.Don’t you think so?
      .For years to come it will be beyond what movies can achieve.

A.Hopefully B.Extremely C.Exactly D.Surprisingly
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—I’m sorry to have brought you so much trouble.

A.My pleasure B.That's all right
C.No problem D.You’re welcome
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Latest researches show children     with high levels of air pollution during their first
year of life run a greater risk of developing certain diseases.  

A.to be associated B.being associated
C.having been associated D.associated
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One of the things the school tries to advocate is          pupils need to learn more about the best ways to find out questions.

A.when B.how C.that D.what
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Electricity is cut off after the earthquake.Villagers have to make some candies       light.

A.giving B.given C.to give D.give
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At the age of 10 Shawn picked up dance class,      she had been told that dance didn’t
suit her.

A.after B.when C.although D.until
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When a new disease breaks out,experts must     what to do in the fastest way.

A.figure out B.take out C.point out D.make out
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—We’ve missed the last bus! Now We’ll have to walk home.
Yes, we       the library five minutes earlier.

A.would have left B.must have left
C.might have left D.should have left
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“I wanted to do something       I felt like I could make a difference,”says Lina Bilimoria, a student from the UK.   

A.where B.which C.that D.why
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Come rain or come shine,it’s important to know how to check the weather forecast.A quick
look at the newspaper can  36 whether you should carry an umbrella, sunglasses or a warm coat when you go out.
A weather report usually   37 with the heading“Weather Outlook ”or just  38 
“Weather”.To put as much information as possible into a    39  space,a weather report has
some  40 language.Words ale chosen not for their attractiveness, 41 for their simplicity and directness.
Most forecasts   42   with a“general situation”report of that day’s  43  and some
other useful information.People  44  a weather page rather than  45  a long time on it, so
writers do not need  46 sentences,but make use of verbs,adjectives and adverbs  47 
For example,“Brief sunny periods and heavy thunder showers later.”
48  general forecast is mole detailed information.In Britain,which is a small country,
and the US,which is  49 ,there arc geographical separations like Northern, East coast, and so
There are of course temperature forecasts.Depending On   50   you arc,they will be in Centigrade Of Fahrenheit(华氏).In Britain temperatures are given in  51 while in the US only Fahrenheit is used.
52  pollution becoming a big problem, many forecasts give the day’s pollution  53 
This may be important for people who are affected by air  54  levels.
There is usually information also On when the sun will  55 .111is is useful for farmers
and people who get up early.
36.A.know                       B.report                     C.tell            D.see
37.A.comes                     B.talks                        C.deals         D.faces
38.A.really                       B.simply                     C.easily        D.rapidly
39.A.clean                       B.dirty                        C.big              D.small
40.A.unusual                  B.strange                  C.common   D.recent
41.A.and                          B.except                    C.but             D.or
42.A.end                          B.begin                       C.close          D.open
43.A.direction                B.pollution                 C.climate     D.weather
44.A.turn                         B.cover                       C.miss           D.scan
45.A.take                         B.spend                      C.cost           D.find
46.A.broken                    B.short                       C.full              D.half
47.A.though                    B.inside                      C.instead     D.either
48.A.Following               B.Preferring              C.Developing        D.Designing
49.A.tiny                          B.large                       C.cold            D.warm
50.A.who                         B.what                       C.where       D.which
51.A.one                          B.all                             C.each                    D.both
52.A.With                        B.As                           C.like             D.Since
53.A.areas                      B.places                     C.limits         D.levels
54.A.energy                    B.strength                 C.quality       D.quantity
55.A.rise                          B.set                           C.burn           D.disappear

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56.If you want to find more information about hotels with breakfast, which of the following websites can you go to ?
A.www.HIExpress. Com/HongKong               B.www.agoda.com/Hong-Kong-hotels
C.Four Seasons.com/hongkong                       D.Booking.com/hotels-hong-kong
57.At a discounted hotel, how much can you save for a room for HK$200per night?
A.HK$150                         B.HK$100                         C.HK$50                  D.HK$75
58.From the ads above we know that              
A.Hong Kong Hotels guarantee low rates and free computers
B.guests can give reviews on the hotel they have lived in
C.booking a hotel online is quite a special offer
D.experience in Hong Kong is an expensive night

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Big football matches are always exciting affairs.Besides the action on the field, the noise the crowd makes really creates the unique atmosphere.At this summer’s World Cup, you can be sure that every country’s fans will be in full voice,supporting their teams.
The football chant(口号)is as old as the sport itself.It’s a way for fans to express their support for their team.It’s not uncommon for the noise of supporters to provide the encouragement for a team to win a match.Most agree that a chant is for building a great atmosphere and to support the team.
One of the most famous football songs is the Liverpool club anthem(颂歌)You’Never Walk Alone,originally from a 1945 Broadway show,which was adopted by Liverpool and is sung
before every match.It has been said that as soon as the opposite hears the song,they become
aware of how tough winning at Anfield (Liverpool’s stadium)will be.
The key to a good football song is that it should be simple.It has to he easy for all fans to
sing along with.When I went to watch Beijing Guo’an last season, I could join in one chant
though I could only speak a little Chinese.“Beijing wo ai ni。”the Guo'an fans sang—you
didn't have to be gifted to work out what that meant.
At the World Cup,the first songs you’ll hear at matches will he the national anthems.Fans and players join together to sing the anthems before each match, and it is considered a mark of
respect that the opposite remains silent while each team's an them is being sung.
So, even though I’ll be supporting England from home in the summer, you can be sure I'll be
chanting at my TV:“En-ger-land, En-ger-land, En-ger-land!”
59.From the passage we can learn that        .
A.a good football chant is usually very long
B.the football chant can express support to the team
C.the football chant appears later than football itself
D.a fan is talented to learn foreign languages
60.What can fans do to support their team?
A.To kick the ball on the field.
B.To fight with the opposition fans.
C.To provide encouragement with chants.
D.To donate money to the players.
61.Why the national anthems of both the teams can be heard at the world Cup?
A.Because it is a sign to show the respect to each other.
B.Because it is sung for the leaders of the host country.
C.Because it represents encouragement from their fans.
D.Because either team senses the support from country.
62.Which of the following is the best title?
A.You’ll Never“Cheer”Alone
B.National Anthems at Matches
C.You’ll Never Walk Alone
D.Football—A Popular Sport

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  Educating girls quite possibly produces a higher rate of return than any other investment(投
资)available in the developing world.Women’s education may be an unusual field for experts On economy(经济),but improving women’s contribution to development is actually as much all economic as a social business.And economics provides an explanation for why so many girls are
deprived of an education.
Parents in low-income countries fail to invest in their daughters because they do not expect them to make all economic contribution to the family:girls grow up only to marry into somebody
else’s family and bear children.Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and are kept at home to do housework while their brothers are sent to school.Ignoring women’s education is therefore in a bad circle.
An educated mother, on the other hand, has greater earning abilities outside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices.She is likely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development of all her children, making sure that her daughters are given a fair chance.The education of her daughters then makes it much more likely that the next generation of girls,as well as of boys,will be educated and healthy.The bad circle is thus changed into a good
Educating women has great social benefits and great economic advantages as well.Most obviously, there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers.Wages rise by 10 to 20 per cent for each additional year of schooling.Such big returns are impressive by the standard of other available investments,but they are just the beginning.Educating women also has a significant effect on health practices, including family planning.
63.The author argues that educating girls in developing countries is          .
A.troublesome                  B.labor-saving          C.rewarding         D.expensive
64.The author believes that a bad circle can turn into a good circle when         .
A. women care much more about education
B. girls can gain equal access to education
C. a family has fewer but healthier children
D. parents can afford their daughters' education
65.What does the underlined phrase“deprived of”mean in Paragraph One?
A.supplied with         B. included in               C.kept away from    D.devoted to
66.The passage mainly discusses          .
A. unequal treatment of boys and girls in developing countries
B. the potential earning power of well-educated women
C. the major contributions of educated women to society
D. the economic and social benefits of educating women

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  • 难度:未知

An election year is one in which all four numbers can be divided by four (1944, 1948, etc.). Since 1840, American presidents elected in years ending in zero have been noticed to die in office. William H. Harrison, the man who served the shortest term, died of a kind of deadly illness several weeks after he took office.
Abraham Lincoln was one of the four presidents who were murdered. He was elected in 1860, and his death came just five years later.
James A Garfield, a former Union Army general from Ohio, was shot during his first year in
office (1881) by a man to whom he wouldn't give a job.
While in his second term of office (1901), William McKinley, another Ohioan, attended the
Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, New York. During the reception, he was killed while shaking hands with some of the guests.
Three years after election in 1920, Warren G. Harding died in office. Although it was never
proved, many believed he was poisoned.
Franklin D. Roosevelt had been elected four times (1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944), the only man to serve so long a term. He had suffered from poliomyelitis(小儿麻痹)in 1921 and died of the illness in 1945.
John F. Kennedy, the last of the line, was shot in 1963, only three years after his election.
67. Which of the following was an election year?
A. 1962                   B. 1928                      C.  1890                  D. 1846
68.          served the shortest term in office.
A. Abraham Lincoln               B. Warren G. Harding
C. William McKinley              D. William H. Harrison
69. Which of the following statements is true?
A. All presidents elected in years ending in zero have died in office.
B. Only presidents from Ohio have died in office.
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt completed four times as president.
D. President Abraham Lincoln died in the year of 1865
70. How many presidents elected in years ending in zero since 1840 have died in office?
A. 7             B. 6            C. 5            D. 4

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To understand the marketing concept it is only necessary to understand the difference between marketing and selling. Not too many years ago, most industries concentrated primarily on the mass production of goods, and then relied on "persuasive salesmanship" to move as much of
these goods as possible. Such production and selling focuses on the needs of the sellers to produce
goods and then make money by selling them.
Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers. It beans with first analyzing the preferences and demands of consumers and then producing goods that will satisfy them. This eye-on-the-consumer approach is known as the marketing concept, which simply means that instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers and
dealers first try to find out what the consumer wants to buy and then go about making it available for purchase. Every step -- design, production, distribution, promotion — is made according.
This concept does not mean that consumer satisfaction is given priority (优先) over profit in a company. There are always two sides to every business activity — the firm and the customer —and each must be satisfied before trade occurs. Successful businessmen and producers, however, recognize that the surest way to profit is through understanding customers. This concept has been recognized, such as "Have It Your Way," and "You're the Boss." A good example of the importance of satisfying the consumer presented itself in mid-1985, when Coca Cola changed the taste of its drink. The non-acceptance of the new taste by a significant part of the public brought about a quick return to the Classic Coke, which was then marketed along with the new. King Consumer rules!
71. A good knowledge of the difference between marketing and selling leads to       .
A. the mass production of goods
B. a perfect command of salesmanship
C. a basic command of the marketing concept
D. the process of selling goods to earn money
72. Not too long ago, industries focused on        .
A. moving goods to the market
B. the demands of consumers 
C. the selling of new products
D. producing and selling goods
73. The focus of marketing lies in              
A. an understanding of consumer needs
B. the quick movement of goods
C. developing new wants for consumer goods
C. making goods readily available to customers
74. The last sentence of the passage suggests that          
A. the consumer should be allowed to do things in his way
B. the consumer should be treated like a king
C. the consumer should have the final say in selling products
D. the consumer should be advised on what to say
75. What will be discussed in the next paragraph?
A. How to make a profit for a company.
B. How to meet the demands of consumers.
C. How to persuade people into buying goods.
D. How to improve the quality of goods.

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Everyone knows that you can study the English language for years and still not understand a
native speaker of English when you meet one. Everyone knows that native speakers say a lot of
things that you can't find in any dictionary. Well, here's a secret for you: a lot of British people
can't understand each other either!
There are different local accents across the UK, and a number of areas have several different dialects, that is, they have their own unique vocabulary and grammatical phrases. There were at least six different accents born to London the last time I counted.
Worse than that, it is not just where a person is born in the UK that decides their accent. For example, a language and its accents often vary across class or level of education. Another example is how language can differ among age groups in the UK. The words and pronunciation used by young people in the UK can be completely different compared with those used by adults. They are
creating a "yoof culture".
The word "yoof'”is an informal spelling of "youth". Some people don't consider "yoof' to be a positive term, since its pronunciation is easier and lazier than "youth". Other people see the term
as positive, because it describes how young people are creating their own language, concepts and
identity. When parents find it difficult to understand their children, the children can say more things without the examining of their parents. In this way, young people are starting to find freedom, independence and self-expression. Even though certain groups of society feel threatened
by "yoof culture", new words come and go like fashions.
Therefore, learners should not worry about communicating with native speakers so much. Even British people don't speak English properly! The UK no longer owns the English language.

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Campus security and safety plays an important part in establishing a harmonious school...

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