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In the United States, Father's Day falls on ________ third Sunday in ________ June.

A.the; / B.the; a C./; the D.a; /
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It’s a good habit to turn off the unnecessary lights, it can help save       .

A.space B.energy C.time D.food
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  • 难度:未知

— What can we learn from Lei Feng?
— We should not only think about          , we should think about others as well.

A.yourself B.ourselves C.themselves D.yourselves
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

— It’s very kind           Betty to give us a hand.
— That’s true. We should thank her           helping us out.

A.for; for B.of; for C.for; of D.of; of
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  • 难度:未知

— Would you like some coffee?
— No, thanks. I           drink coffee. Coffee is bad for my stomach.

A.usually B.especially C.hardly D.suddenly
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  • 难度:未知

— What do you think of Mary’s dress?
— I think it still looks quite fashionable on her           it is a style of many years ago.

A.though B.unless C.until D.because
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  • 难度:未知

— Are you pleased with the result of the football match?
— Sure. We have never had a            one.

A.good B.better C.bad D.worse
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  • 难度:未知

— What’s up, Dave?
— The meeting is almost over, but Henry hasn’t            yet.

A.woken up B.grown up C.given up D.turned up
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

         is it from your school to the nearest park?
— About ten minutes’ walk.

A.How long B.How soon C.How far D.How often
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— Dad, may I go out with my friends?
— Unless your homework          .

A.has been finished B.has finished C.finishes D.will finish
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— Where is your sister, Dick? I need her help.
— Dad, she           in her room. Let me help you instead.

A.sleeps B.is sleeping C.slept D.was sleeping
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

— Mr Li looks often looks tired and worried?
— So he does. You see it’s not easy to           such a big factory.

A.sell B.win C.get D.run
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— Dave is always making the same mistake. It worries me a lot.
— Take it easy.           , he is only a child.

A.First of all B.All in all C.In all D.After all
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  • 难度:未知

— The light is still on in his room. Do you know          ?
— Maybe he has to study for a test.

A.if he works hard B.who he is studying with
C.what he is busy with D.when he will stop working
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  • 难度:未知

— We’ll study in different schools next term. Enjoy your time in the new school.

A.I’ll take your advice. B.The same to you.
C.Congratulations. D.Me too.
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  • 难度:未知

Johnny, a lizard (蜥蜴),lived between some rocks in the country, where he liked sunbathing every morning. One day, he felt so        that he didn’t notice some boys coming up behind him. The boys caught Johnny, and he could only escape from their hands by losing his        and running to hide.
The children watched his tail moving about, but they soon threw the tail away and left. Johnny came out to        his tail, but could find no        of it. Feeling so sad, he decided to        doing everything else in his life and spending all his time finding his tail. Days and months passed, and Johnny kept looking, asking everyone        they had seen his tail. However, there was       no news about it.
One day, he asked a boy and the boy        replied, “Why do you need two tails?” After hearing this, Johnny turned back and saw that he had grown a new, stronger tail. He suddenly realised how        it had been to waste so much time on a problem like it. Johnny headed for home.
     , he suddenly found his old tail on the roadside. Although it        terrible, Johnny was still excited to have it back. He picked it up and was about to        his journey. Just at that moment, an idea hit him that he shouldn’t look at the past and worry about it since it was not useful for       .
He then decided to        his old tail there, leaving with it all his past worries. As he continued his journey, all he took with him were thoughts of the present and the dreams of the        .
As we know, it’s not good to look at the past, unless it helps in the future. Let the past go with the wind.

A.interested B.relaxed C.lonely D.nervous

A.hand B.nose C.tail D.head

A.look at B.look after C.look up D.look for

A.need B.sign C.reason D.use

A.keep B.finish C.begin D.stop

A.whether B.that C.how D.why

A.only B.still C.also D.always

A.hopefully B.generally C.surprisedly D.wonderfully

A.lucky B.hard C.careless D.silly

A.In a way B.By the way C.On the way D.In the way

A.sounded B.looked C.smelled D.tasted

A.change B.continue C.plan D.end

A.you B.me C.her D.him

A.return B.cut C.move D.drop

A.tail B.present C.future D.past
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

For Sale
An iPhone 4, second-hand, 90% new, the price can be negotiated (协商) in person, call Coco at 757-6589
Looking to rent
One-bedroom apartment, from January 1st to April 30th, with bath and shower, near the dining hall of the university but not inside the university.
Call Charlie at 422-3895
Lost two days ago near Man Street. Puppy is only 8 months old. He is a black schnauzer. It is priceless for me. Reward. Call Salina at 633-7856
A purple wallet was found on the street in Packard-Jewett area yesterday afternoon, Sept 22nd. Please call Jason at 909-8972.

You can get in touch with ________ if you want to buy an old cell phone.

A.Elaine B.Coco C.Salina D.Jason

Charlie wishes to rent an apartment ___________.

A.which is near restaurants B.which is in the university
C.which has a dining hall D.which he can take a shower in

From the last two advertisements, we know ___________.

A.the puppy has been missing for 8 months
B.the purple wallet was found on Sept 21st
C.Salina loves the puppy very much
D.Salina lived on Man Street
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Would you completely trust your friends if you couldn’t see anything? If you are falling, do you believe they will catch you and help you stand up? Our teacher helped us to find the answer.
Our teacher is named Morrie. One day, he said that he had a game for us to try. He divided us into two groups. One of the students from the first group, stands in front of us with his eyes closed, and then falls backwards(向后). The second group stand behind him. Before he falls on the floor, they should catch him and not let him get hurt. Most of us were uncomfortable with this. We were afraid that they wouldn’t catch us and we would hit the floor. So we didn’t move. We just stood there and laughed in embarrassment(尴尬).
Finally, one student, thin, quiet, dark-haired girl called Sarah, decided to move. She crossed her arms in front of her body, closed her eyes, and slowly fell backwards. She looked quiet but brave.
For a moment, I was sure she was going to fall on the floor. But before she hit the floor, the other students caught her, held her and finally helped her stand up.
“Whoa!!” we were all surprised, and also encouraged. The girl was happy, too. Seeing this, Morrie smiled and said to the girl, “When you close your eyes, you can’t see anything. You won’t feel safe. When you are falling, the feeling gets stronger. You are not sure whether you will hit the cold, hard floor or the warm, soft hands of your friends. But if you are brave enough to trust them, they won’t let you down.”
According to the passage, we can know Morrie is ___________.

A.a student B.a teacher C.a manager D.a farmer

The writer thought the girl was ___________.

A.strong but shy B.active C.quiet but brave D.careless

In the end, the girl ___________.

A.got hurt
B.fell on the floor
C.was only helped by the writer
D.was caught by the other students

The students felt encouraged because ___________.

A.they could stop the game finally
B.they wanted to do something else
C.they thought they had won the game
D.they felt that they could trust each other
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“How many common English words were invented by Shakespeare?”
How long did it take people to find the answer to this question 15 years ago? And now! you can google it and find the answer immediately!
Google is the most popular Internet search engine in the world. It was invented by two students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They met in 1993, when they were studying computer science at Stanford University, USA. They dreamed of producing something that could also answer any question in seconds.
Internet search engines at that time were slow and gave many websites that weren't useful. In January 1996, Page and Brin decided to make a better and faster search engine. They thought the results should be based on the most popular websites.
Nobody would give them money for their project, so they used their own money. They also borrowed money from family and friends. Then, in 1998, they were given a cheque for $100,000, and they started their own company. Their first office was in a friend's garage. The company's name is Google, a word which comes from mathematics. A “google” is a very high number---- 1 followed by a hundred zeros.
The google search engine was soon used by thousands of people worldwide because it was fast, easy and correct. By 2002 it was the biggest search engine on the Internet. Now, more questions have been answered by Google than any other Internet service, from sport to science, and from music to medicine. Google hopes that in the future all the world's information will be put on the Internet, so that everybody can find everything.
The writer began this passage by asking you a question because ___________.

A.Shakespeare is one of the most famous people in the world
B.he or she was afraid that the readers didn't know this question
C.he or she wanted to make the readers interested in this passage
D.he or she liked to begin this passage by asking readers a question

The underline word “cheque” in the fifth paragraph means _____ __ in Chinese.

A.楼房 B.帐单 C.订单 D.支票

From the passage we know that at the beginning of their project,__   ____.

A.there was not any search engine on the Internet.
B.nobody supported them except their family and friends
C.one of the most popular websites gave them a cheque for $100,000
D.Larry Page and Sergey Brin dreamed to produce something to answer any question

Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Now the Google search engine is widely used in the world.
B.The google search engine was the biggest one after 2002.
C.Larry Page and Sergey Brin named google after a hundred zeros.
D.The service of the Google search engine is very popular.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Since January 2013, many cities in China have seen a lot of foggy days. In Beijing, only five days in January were free of smog (雾霾). What’s the difference between fog and smog?
According to scientists, fog is made up of tiny (微小的) drops of water and also ice particles (颗粒) during very cold conditions. Smog is dirty air that looks like a mixture of smoke and fog, caused mainly by smoke from cars and factories in cities.
An official for the Ministry of Environmental Protection told Beijing News that PM2.5 pollution is the main problem with air pollution. PM 2.5 refers to pollution with small particles 2.5 micrometers or less in diameter (直径).
According to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, two main factors that cause PM 2.5 are motor vehicles and the burning of coal.
Poor air has done harm to people’s health. Children and the elderly are more at risk. A report from Beijing Children’s Hospital shows that from January 5 to January 11, 2013, half of the patients in the hospital came for respiratory (呼吸道的) problems.
To respond to the air problem, the Chinese government and many Chinese people have started to take action.
Beijing announced a plan to use clean fuel in government vehicles and plant trees. It asked citizens to set off fewer fireworks for the Spring Festival celebration. They suggested that cars with large emissions (排放) should be banned and factories should be closely watched.
Three students from No. 4 High School in Beijing wrote a report to advise to fight the air pollution. “We hope more people will join us to protect our environment. With all our efforts, the blue skies will certainly return soon,” said Shi Yucong, 15, one of the three students.
The underlined phrase “were free of” means ____________.

A.had some B.had many C.had no D.had more and more

According to the second paragraph, we can know ____________.

A.smog is a mixture of fog and smoke
B.smog is formed (形成) during cold hours
C.fog is made up of drops of water with smoke
D.smoke from cars and factories cause fog

Paragraphs 3 and 4 are mainly about ____________.

A.what PM 2.5 is and what causes PM 2.5
B.how to prevent PM 2.5 pollution and how PM 2.5 looks
C.what PM 2.5 is and how to protect ourselves against PM 2.5
D.how seriously PM 2.5 affects us and how to deal with PM 2.5

What is the best title for the passage?

A.A report about air pollution B.Let’s fight the air pollution
C.Dirty air is bad for us D.The air in Beijing
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


provide,   health,   against,   success,   nine

The homeless children should be        with some food and clothes.
Our parents hope we can grow up very       
Mary likes to walk to the        floor every day. It’s good for her health.
A        person always works hard and never gives up.
We do some sports every day        the cold.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Full Moon, Full Feelings
Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for       (百) of years. Mooncakes look       (像) a full moon on Mid-Autumn night. They carry people’s wishes to the families they love and       (想念).
There are many traditional folk       (故事) about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most touching. Chang’e was Hou Yi’s beautiful wife. After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Whoever drank this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to drink in with Chang’e.       (然而), a bad man, Feng Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. Chang’e      (拒绝)to give it to him and drank it all. She became very light and      (飞) up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night. One night, he found that the moon was so      (明亮的) and round that he could see his wife there. He   (快) laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Chang’e could come back!
After this, people started the tradition of       (分享) mooncakes and admiring the moon with their families.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

任务型阅读 (每小题1 分,共5 分)
请阅读1--5 题有关人员的相关信息,然后根据他们的需要从A~E中找出与他们匹配的活动。
Amy has a daughter. She enjoys playing with her.
Mr. Green feels very tired. She plans to go on her holidays in a quiet place.
Lily, a 13-year-old girl, likes dancing best. She often dances with her friends.
Jackson likes doing sports. He is very good at swimming.
Mrs. Smith’s children have grown up. She wants to sell the old toys.

A.Trip to Flower Hill Village
We leave at 8:00 every Saturday morning. You can enjoy fresh air, country beauty and village food.
B.A Free Dance
This is a party for all students who love dancing. Please bring your Student Card with you June 28, Sunday.
C.Swimming Across the Beijiang River
This activity is held to let people know the importance of health. July 5th, Sunday.
D.Open Market.

People can sell or buy old things at low prices. Every Sunday morning in the City Square.
E. Running Competition for Kids and Parents.
A very good chance for people to enjoy family life with children. June 1st, Monday, on the playground of Garden Hotel.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Percent %
What will they do
Give a hand.
A good deed(好事); in need; the old should be cared for
Don’t know.
Do not help.
A lesson from Peng Yu Incident

An old man fell down on the ground and couldn’t get up. What would you do if you were there? We have asked all the students this question in our school. Here are the results.
70%of the students say they will help the old man. They think the old man is really in need and he is supposed to be    . Besides, it’s  and should be advocated(提倡). But 20% of the students don’t know    . And the rest of the students say they will not help the old man. They say they    from the Peng Yu Incident. They are afraid of being blackmailed(讹诈). I think        .

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