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题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语

An accident happened at ________ supermarket a few meters away from ________ park.

A.a; a B./; a C./; the D.the; /
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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——Is there anything else I can do for you, Jack?
——No. Thanks. I really appreciate           that you could give me some suggestions on the exam.

A.it B. one C.that D.this
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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____we will be admitted to an ideal university partly depends on our learning attitudes.

A.That B.What C.If D.Whether
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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It was not just the size of the school but ________ it provides for us students________ made it unique. 

A.that; that B.what; that C.what; what D.that; what
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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In the past several weeks, many cities in Northern China         from heavy fogs and severe cold.

A.had suffered B.have been suffering C.were suffered D.suffered
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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—Can I borrow your tape-recorder?
—No. The last time you borrowed it, you _______ it for a month.

A.kept B.had kept C.are keeping D.have kept
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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_____ his position as mayor to give jobs to his friends,Williams is now under investigation.

A.Abused B.Having abused C.To abuse D.To have abused
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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—Have you paid ? What’s my share of the bill?
—____ It wasn’t very much.

A.It’s up to you. B.It’s my share.
C.None of your business. D.Don’t worry about it.
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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We should set up more cultural parks         the old can enjoy themselves.

A.when B.whose C.where D.which
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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— Tom knocked into the banisters(栏杆) last night while driving, but she is all right.改编
— He is lucky. He           himself badly.

A.could have injured B.might injure
C.should have injured D.should injure
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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—Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?
—Yes._____, I’m going to visit some homes for the old in the city.

A.If ever B.If busy C.If anything D.If possible
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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—I began to learn English when I was a little child. 
—Wow. You must have studied English for many years,          ?

A.don’t you B.mustn’t you C.needn’t you D.haven’t you
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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—Could you help me take care of my pet dog on the weekend?
— I’m afraid I’m not           that day.

A.vacant B.sufficient C.convenient D.Available
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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While intelligent people can often _____ the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate  the simple.

A.simplify B.sacrifice C.substitute D.survive
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
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One hundred percent _______ to your studies, though it can be lonely and no fun at all, will leave precious marks on your youth.

A.attention B.commitment C.reference D.reaction
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
  • 题型:未知
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That morning, I stepped into the classroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with seventy-five students who would be my English Literature class. Having taught in        for seventeen years, I had no       about my ability to hold their attention and toimpress on them my       for the literature of my mother tongue.
As I entered the room, I was       when the monitor shouted: “Stand up!” The entire class rose, and I was somewhat       about how to get them to sit down again. Once that awkwardness was over, I quickly       my calmness and began what I thought was an informed lecture, sure to gain their respect — perhaps       their admiration. I went back to my office with the rosy glow which came from a sense of achievement.
I asked my students to keep        as homework. However, as I read them, the rosy glow was gradually       by a strong sense of sadness. The first diary said, “Our literature teacher didn’t teach us anything today.       her next lecture will be better.” Greatly surprised, I read diary after diary, each expressing a       theme. “Didn’t I teach them anything? I described the entire philosophical framework of Western thought and laid the historical       for all the works we’ll study in class,” I complained. “How       they say I didn’t teach them anything?”
It was a long term, and it       became clear that my ideas about       were not the same as those of my students. I thought a teacher’s job was to raise       questions and provide enough background so that students could       their own conclusions. My students thought a teacher’s job was to provide       information as directly and clearly as possible. What a difference!
   , I benefited a lot, for my experience with my Chinese students has made me a       American teacher, knowing how to teach in a different culture.

A.America B.England C.China D.Australia

A.worry B.idea C.skill D.doubt

A.profession B.explanation C.admiration D.expression

A.attracted B.shocked C.amused D.embarrassed

A.puzzled B.sure C.worried D.curious

A.reminded B.returned C.recovered D.regained

A.more B.even C.yet D.still

A.discussions B.notes C.diaries D.compositions

A.replaced B.frightened C.troubled D.moved

A.Perhaps B.Later C.Somehow D.Indeed

A.common B.strong C.similar D.strange

A.background B.characters C.development D.happenings

A.need B.should C.will D.must

A.immediately B.certainly C.simply D.gradually

A.admiration B.question C.education D.conclusion

A.difficult B.interesting C.essential D.general

A.draw B.find C.search D.offer

A.special B.standard C.serious D.exact

A.Therefore B.However C.Then D.Though

A.better B.happier C.friendlier D.richer
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
  • 题型:未知
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Weather changes when the temperature and the amount of water in the atmosphere change. We can see and feel water coming from the atmosphere when we have rain. But the water must somehow get back to the atmosphere. Meteorologists call this the water cycle.
There are many stages in the water cycle. Rain falls when water vapour in clouds condenses(冷却成液体). Drops of water form and fall to the ground. The water soaks into the ground and feeds streams and rivers. A lot of rain falls into the sea. The heat of the sun evaporates some of the water in the ground and in the rivers, lakes and the sea. It changes the liquid water into water vapour. The vapour rises onto the air. Water vapour is normally invisible. On a very damp or humid day, however, you can sometimes see water vapour rising from a puddle or pond in a mist above the water. Water vapour also gets into the air from living things. Trees and other plants take in water through their roots and give off water vapour from their leaves. People and land animals drink water and breathe out water vapour. In all these ways the water returns to the air. There it gathers to form clouds and condenses to form rain. The rain falls to earth, and the cycle starts again. It contains even if snow or hail fall instead because both eventually melt and form water. The amount of water vapour is more in the air tropics than in the cold polar regions.
What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Water cycle. B.Water vapour.
C.How rain forms. D.Water, vapour, rain.

How many ways of the water returning to the air are discussed in the text?

A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Six

Whether water vapour can be seen or not depends on_____.

A.how much water is evaporated
B.how good your eyes are
C.in which way water is evaporated
D.climate or weather

From the passage, we get to know_____.

A.there is more water vapour in the air tropics than in cold polar regions
B.there is more water vapour in the air in cold polar region than in the tropics
C.it gets more rain in the tropics than in cold polar regions because there is less vapor
D.the amount of water vapour in the air depends on how often it rains
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
  • 题型:未知
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A friendly English Springer Spaniel named Bonnie, who also happens to be deaf, is being praised by her owner for helping him catch a suspected intruder(入侵者,闯入者) in their Salem home.
Dan Strasser said he heard Bonnie running around the living room at about 6 a.m. Saturday, so he got out of bed to see why she was so excited.
"She smelled him because she does have a very good sense of smell," said Strasser. "She jumped up and got all excited thinking someone was there to play."
He said Bonnie didn't bark or bite like a guard dog, but the commotion she made was enough to alert him.
When he walked into the living room, Strasser said he caught the intruder trying to steal his laptop. Strasser said the man took off, but instead of running out the back door where he came in, he accidentally ran into the garage, where he was cornered.
"As you can imagine there's a lot going on in his mind, like ‘How do I get out of this place?' It's dark and he doesn't know it."
Strasser said he grabbed his gun and held the intruder in the garage while his girlfriend called 911.
"There was a lot of, ‘I'm sorry,'" said Strasser. "He starts talking about how he wants to go home and see his kid and asks if I would please let him go. All the stuff you'd say if you're caught and you don't want to go to jail."
Police showed up and arrested the intruder, who they later identified as Thomas Lowell, 25. He was arraigned in court Monday on charges of burglary and possession of methamphetamine. He is due back in court Oct. 2.
Strasser said Lowell got in through the back door, which he kept open at night so Bonnie could get into the backyard. He plans to keep it closed and locked from now on.
What does the underlined word mean?

A.sudden noise
B.happily rolling
C.crazily biting
D.angrily barking

Bonnie is being praised by her owner because________.

A.she was a lovely dog.
B.she did have a very good sense of smell.
C.she didn't bark or bite like a guard dog.
D.she helped her owner catch a intruder.

After the intruder took the laptop, he ________.

A.ran out the back door.
B.ran into the garage.
C.ran away from the owner’s home.
D.fought against Bonnie.

Which of the following sentences is wrong according to the passage?

A.Strasser’s girl friend called 911.
B.Strasser used to keep the back door open at night.
C.Strasser let the intruder go home because he wanted to see his kid.
D.Strasser plans to keep the back door closed to prevent something from being stolen.
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
  • 题型:未知
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February 16, 2014(VOA)JAKARTA — The United States and China say they recognize the need for "urgent action" to address the twin challenges of climate change and the air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called for greater political will to address a warming planet.
China is the leading producer of greenhouse gases and joins the United States as the largest consumers of energy. So U.S. officials say the world's two biggest economies agreeing to limit emissions and promote energy efficiency in buildings and industry "sends a strong message to the world" that this is an issue that needs to be addressed now.
Following that agreement with Chinese leaders, Secretary Kerry told an audience in Indonesia that Washington hopes this "unique partnership" with Beijing will help set an example for global leadership and global seriousness on climate change.
Kerry Warns About Global Climate Change
"Together we account for roughly 40 percent of the world’s emissions. But this is not just about China and the United States," Kerry said. "It is about every country on Earth doing whatever it can to pursue cleaner and healthier energy sources.
Kerry said scientific evidence compels the world to act.
"It is not a lack of ability that is the problem," Kerry said. "It is a lack of political resolve that is standing in our way.
The European Union is calling for a 40 percent cut in carbon emissions by 2030. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso says that target is ambitious and affordable.
"It shows that we are beyond debate where we either have to be green or a defender of industry," Barroso said. "We believe these two issues are not contradictory, but can perfectly go together if handled smartly.
Some European parliamentarians and some environmentalists believe the carbon reduction goals do not do enough to encourage cleaner energy. Jason Anderson heads European climate and energy policy for the World Wildlife Fund.
"We want to make sure that they do not put the brakes on the energy transition that we are seeing now," Anderson said. "Their ambitions for renewable energy would actually slow down the pace of change, which it is completely senseless as it is one of those areas of the economy that is growing right now.
Kerry's climate speech was the first in a series of events meant to focus on cutting carbon emissions before talks in Paris next year on coming up with a successor to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which was never ratified by the United States. (www.voa.com)419
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso believes that________.

A.The European Union accounts for 40 percent of the world’s emissions.
B.we either have to be green or a defender of industry.
C.we have to be green and a defender of industry if handled smartly.
D.the carbon reduction goals do not do enough to encourage cleaner energy.

What is the main idea of the news report?

A.China and the United States will join hands to protect the environment.
B.The United States is the largest consumers of energy.
C.Kerry Warns About Global Climate Change
D.The European Union’s target is ambitious and affordable.

According to the passage, China _______.

A.is the largest consumers of energy.
B.is taking effective measures to limit emissions and promote energy efficiency.
C.is the unique partnership with the United States on carbon reduction.
D.is calling for a 40 percent cut in carbon emissions by 2030.

From the last paragraph, we can infer that________.

A.the United States didn’t ratify the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.
B.the United States will not attend the meeting to be held in Paris.
C.the United States will ratify the 1997 Kyoto Protocol in Paris.
D.the United States will show active attitudes to the climate change and the air pollution.
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
  • 题型:未知
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A recent research has pointed to the risks of overpraising a child. But for parents, drawing the line between too little praise and too much has become a high-pressure balancing act. 
Cara Greene, a mother of three children ages 1 to 8, is wary of deliberately pumping up her kids' egos(自我), for fear of instilling(灌输) the sense of entitlement she sees in young adults 'who have been told they're wonderful and they can do anything.' But she also wants them to have healthy self-esteem(自我认知). 
'We wouldn't be doing our children any favors by overinflating their egos. At the same time, I want them to have the confidence to tackle any challenge that is placed before them,' says Ms. Greene, of New York City. 
Now, psychologists are creating a deeper and more nuanced understanding of self-esteem, which could make it easier for parents to walk that line. Some of the conclusions: It can actually be good for kids to have low self-esteem, at least temporarily. And praise can harm if it disregards the world outside the home. Children who have a realistic not inflated understanding of how they are seen by others tend to be more resilient to the world around them. 
In the past, many parents and educators believed that high self-esteem predicted happiness and success, and that it could be instilled(灌输) in kids simply by doling out trophies and praise. But researchers have since found self-esteem doesn't predict these outcomes. High self-esteem is partly the result of good performance, rather than the cause. Inflating kids' self-esteem too much can backfire, making them feel worse later on when they hit setbacks. 
'Children absolutely need to feel valued, accepted and loved, and this will lead to high self-esteem,' Dr. Leary says. But it can also be good for kids to feel bad about themselves temporarily, if they behave in selfish, mean or hurtful ways that might damage their ability to sustain relationships or hold a job in the future, he says. The best path is a middle road, helping children develop a positive but realistic view of themselves in relation to others. 
The researchers believe that_______.

A.high self-esteem brings happiness and success to children.
B.high self-esteem is the cause of good performance.
C.Inflating kids' self-esteem too much can make kids feel worse later on when they meet difficulties.
D.self-esteem couldn’t be instilled in kids simply by doling out praise.

Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage?

A.high self-esteem could be instilled(灌输) in kids simply by doling out trophies and praise.
B.children should have a realistic not inflated understanding of how they are seen.
C.high self-esteem can lead to happiness.
D.praise can harm if it disregards the world outside the home.

The main idea of the passage is_______________.

A.We want to kids to have self-esteem(自我认知).
B.We should help children develop a positive but realistic view of themselves in relation to others.
C.it can also be good for kids to feel bad about themselves temporarily.
D.Children absolutely need to feel valued, accepted and loved, and this will lead to high self-esteem.
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You want to be confident and feel confident, but what if you're starting with little or no confidence? True self-confidence isn't an overnight acquisition. It takes dedication to realize you are a good human being that is worthy of respect and love.
Recognize your insecurities
What does that voice in the back of your mind say? Why do you feel uncomfortable or ashamed of yourself? This could be anything from regrets to friends at school or negative experience. Whatever is making you feel unworthy, or ashamed, identify it, give it a name, and write it down. You can also tear these written pieces to start feeling positive on those points.
Get rid of insecurities gradually
Each day you should weaken it. There's no quick fix. Get to the root of the problem; focus on it and understand that you need to resolve each issue before you can move on. Check if it is an old past emotion and if it is really still relevant or applicable in your life today. And that does not mean you have to get rid of whatever makes you feel bad (many times, you simply can't). You need to learn to accept yourself, your past, your circumstances as they are, without necessarily thinking of them as “bad”.
Identify your successes
Everyone is good at something, so discover the things at which you do extremely well, then focus on your talents. Give yourself permission to be proud of them. Give yourself credit for your successes. Inferiority (自卑) is a state of mind in which you've declared yourself a victim. Do not allow yourself to be victimized.
Be Positive
Avoid self-pity, or the pity and sympathy of others. Never allow others to make you feel inferior—they can only do so if you let them. If you continue to dislike and look down upon yourself, others are going to do and believe likewise. Instead, speak positively about yourself, about your future, and about your progress. Do not be afraid to show your strengths and qualities to others. By doing so, you strengthen those ideas in your mind and encourage your growth in a positive direction.
Apply “facial feedback theory”
Studies surrounding what’s called the "facial feedback theory" suggest that the expressions on your face can actually encourage your brain to express certain emotions. So by looking in the mirror and smiling every day, you might feel happier with yourself and more confident in the long run.
Help others
When you know you’re helpful to the people around you, and are making a positive difference in other people’s lives (even if it's just being kinder to the person who serves you coffee in the morning), you'll know that you are a positive force in the world—which will boost yourself confidence.
Now, dear friends, will you let confidence keep you company? Be confident, and accomplishing your goals will be just around the corner.
Title: The ways to become confident

Specific ways
Supporting details
Recognizing insecurities
Find out what       you uncomfortable or ashamed,forget it and feel positive.
        insecurities gradually
Find out the      of problems, resolve them and learn to accept       you are.
Identifying successes
Find out your talents, take pride in them and        yourself for your successes.
Being positive
·Speak       about yourself.
·Don’t make yoursel       by others.
Applying “facial feedback theory”
Look in the mirror and smile to gain more      .
Helping others
Be of       to the people around you.
Confidence helps people accomplish goals and become worthy to be       and loved.
来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
  • 题型:未知
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来源:2014题客网高考押题卷 第一期(江苏版)英语
  • 题型:未知
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