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—Could we go and visit the Summer Palace?
—Yes,________.This should be on our list of things to do in Beijing.

A.a pleasure B.it depends
C.don't mention it  D.by all means
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The singer and________dancer is said to perform in our school on________May Day.

A.the; 不填  B.a;不填
C.不填; the D.不填; 不填
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In those hard days, we could not leave behind________came to us for help.

A.who  B.whomever
C.no matter who  D.whoever
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Trade between China and the Republic of Korea has experienced tremendous growth,________$207.2 billion,a yearonyear jump of 32.6 percent.

A.reaches  B.reached
C.reaching  D.to reach
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—I________as a cashier for 10 straight years, but I never had a sense of achievement.
—Is that why you set up your own business?

A.worked B.have been working
C.would work D.have worked
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The organization says almost threefourths of the young people________said they planned to have a summer job.

A.to question  B.to be questioned
C.questioned D.questioning
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“Russia wants to maintain its established diplomatic relations with Libya  and  never  interrupt  them________which government was in power in Libya,” the leader said.

A.because of B.regardless of
C.in need of   D.in terms of
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In an economy ________income per head used to rise by barely 1% a year, current growth rates feel like a miracle.

A.when  B.whose
C.that  D.where
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

________the American economy expanded at an annual rate of 2.5 percent in July—September, it faced a long road to recovery.

A.Since  B.If
C.While  D.When
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Although the increase in the present sum used for the research is________, a great breakthrough could still be achieved by the end of this year.

A.common B.sudden
C.enormous  D.modest
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everyone knows how________feels to get so angry that you want to throw things or even hurt others.

A.that  B.it
C.he D.you
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Don't always turn to particular patterns time after time in our life.
—I agree. We would otherwise________our thinking by rules or common attitude.

A.inspect  B.limit
C.judge  D.recover
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Since then the population of London________by almost 50,000 a year—an increase largely fuelled by immigration.

A.has risen  B.have risen
C.rises  D.rise
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One cold afternoon a postman was slowly pushing his mail cart (邮车)____the hill that led out of the small town of lane.He was walking very____because there was a lot of ice on the____.He had only one more letter to deliver(传递), and this was for an old lady who lived at the____.Everybody____her “grandma”.
She had lived alone____her daughter had____to Hawaii many years before.She used to invite the postman____for coffee whenever he____her letter, and she would tell him about her two grandchildren in Hawaii,whom she had____seen.However, she had lots of____of them, which she used to____him.
Just as the____came near her gate,a small boy came____down the hill.Suddenly the boy slipped on the ice and fell.The postman stopped his mail cart and hurried____the street to help the boy.After a quick____,he saw that he had hurt his leg very badly.In fact, he was____that the boy's leg had been broken. He knew that “grandma” did not have a____,so he stopped a____driver and asked him to____the boy to Lance Hospital.

A.down B.up C.along D.around

A.bravely B.carefully C.fast D.slowly

A.cart B.ground C.field D.road

A.gate B.bottom C.end D.top

A.named B.shouted C.called D.talked

A.ever since B.just as C.ever after D.until

A.left B.came C.moved D.been

A.in B.there C.up D.to

A.carried B.sent C.wrote D.brought

A.already B.often C.never D.hardly

A.pictures B.letters C.news D.things

A.tell B.show C.give D.send

A.postman B.lady C.children D.boy

A.and ran B.to run C.ran D.running

A.in B.on C.across D.into

A.search B.look C.hurry D.test

A.sad B.angry C.afraid D.disappointed

A.driver B.TV set C.telephone D.radio

A.passing B.careful C.good D.walking

A.send B.bring C.get D.take

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Steven Jobs was born on February 24,1955,in  San Francisco,California,and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs.In 1961 the family moved to Mountain View, California.At that time people started to refer to the area as “Silicon Valley”.
As a child, Jobs preferred doing things by himself, not interested in team sports or other group activities.He enrolled in the HewlettPackard Explorer Club. There he saw his first computer at the age of twelve. He was very impressed, and knew right away that he wanted to work with computers.
At that time almost all computers were so large that one could fill a room, and so costly that individuals could not afford to buy them.Advances in electronics, however, meant that the parts of a computer were getting smaller and the power of the computer was increasing.
By 1980 the personal computer era was well underway.Apple was continually forced to improve its products to remain ahead, as more competitors entered the marketplace. Apple introduced the Apple Ⅲ, but the new model suffered technical and marketing problems.It was removed from the market.
Early in 1983 Jobs unveiled the Lisa.It did not sell well,however,  because  it  was  more  expensive  than  personal computers sold by competitors.Apple's biggest competitor was International Business Machines  (IBM). By 1983 it was estimated that Apple had lost half of its market share ( part of an industry's sales that a specific company has) to IBM.
In 1984 Apple introduced a revolutionary new model, the Macintosh.The Macintosh did not sell well to businesses,however.It lacked features other personal computers had, such as a corresponding high quality printer. The failure of the Macintosh signaled the beginning of Jobs's downfall at Apple.
Late in 1988 the NeXT computer was introduced, aimed at the educational market.The product was very userfriendly,and had a fast processing speed, excellent graphics displays,and an outstanding sound system.Despite the warm reception,however, the NeXT machine never caught on. It was too costly, had a blackandwhite screen, and could not be linked to other computers or run common software.
When did Steven Jobs first get the chance to catch sight of a computer?

A.In 1955.  B.In 1961.
C.In 1967.  D.In 1980.

Which of the following statements is RIGHT?

A.All the computes used to be large enough to fill a room.
B.Before 1980, Apple was not successful in the field of personal computers.
C.Steven Jobs was born in Silicon Valley.
D.Apple and IBM competed for sales of personal computers.

According to the passage, the Apple Ⅲ________.

A.was popular among the young people
B.turned out to be a failure
C.caused more competitors to come into the market
D.could be linked to a printer

Which of the following leads to Jobs's downfall at Apple?

A.The Apple Ⅲ.  B.The Macintosh
C.The NeXT.  D.The Lisa.

One of the reasons why the NeXT computer didn't become popular is that ________.

A.few people could afford it
B.it was not fast enough
C.it was not easy to use
D.it lacked super sound system
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mulch is a protective cover of material that is spread on top of soil.It is usually made out of organic material, like crop waste.Farmers may keep the remains of maize or other crops on top of the soil.This creates mulch on the soil surface.The plant remains help protect the soil against wind and water damage.Mulching is one of the best things people can do for their plants.It also helps keep the soil from getting dry, and reduces the need for watering plants.It also limits temperature changes in the soil.And it stops unwanted plants, or weeds,from growing.
Organic mulch improves the condition of soil.As the mulch breaks down, it provides material which keeps the soil from getting hard.This improves the growth of roots and increases the movement of water through the soil.It also improves the ability of the soil to hold water. Organic mulch contains nutrients for plants.It also provides a good environment for earthworms and other helpful organisms in the soil.
It is easy to find organic mulch materials.Cutup leaves and small pieces of tree bark can be used.Grass cuttings are also a good mulch for plants. Mulch from newspapers works well in controlling weeds.
The best time to add mulch depends on your goal.Mulch provides a thick barrier between the soil and the air.This helps to reduce temperature changes in the soil. As a result,mulched soil will be cooler than other soil in the summer.In winter, the mulched soil may not freeze as deeply as other soil.The best time is after the ground has frozen, but before the coldest weather arrives.Spreading mulch before the ground has frozen may attract small animals searching for a warm place to spend the winter.Delaying the spreading should prevent this problem.The animals will probably find another place to live.
The author tells us the following EXCEPT________.

A.what mulch is and its benefits
B.the best time to add mulch
C.what can be mulched on the soil surface
D.the bad effects of mulch

The following can be used as organic materials to make mulch EXCEPT________.

A.tree barks B.cutup leaves
C.grass cuttings D.plastic

Which of the following is the benefit of mulch?

A.Protecting the soil against wind and water damage.
B.Keeping the soil wet and reducing the need for watering plants.
C.Reducing temperature changes in the soil and stopping unwanted weeds
D.All of the above.

The main idea of Paragraph 2 is that organic mulch can________.

A.improve the condition of soil
B.improve the ability of the soil to hold water
C.provide a good environment for earthworms
D.improve the growth of roots and increase the movement of water through the

From the last paragraph, we know ________.

A.the best time to add mulch is in spring and summer
B.the best time to add mulch is after the coldest weather arrives
C.the best time to add mulch depends on weather
D.choosing the best time to add mulch can avoid attracting small animals
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Twothirds of the world's major rivers have now been disrupted with more than 50,000 dams in an attempt to  store water and provide power.In the US,there are more than 85,000 dams,disrupting large and small rivers,and in most cases transforming natural flow.The most famous of these,the Hoover Dam,constructed in the 1930s,is mainly responsible for the fact that the Colorado River no longer reaches the ocean.
Dams,besides all their attractive benefits,also have negative impacts.Creating a reservoir means a large area must be flooded.Communities may lose their land,houses and culturally important sites.
Environmentally,the new reservoir can be a paradise for wildlife,especially birds;however,it can cause greenhouse gas emissions and poison the water.Also,the dramatic rise and fall of water levels during dam releases is too extreme for plants and animals to cope with,resulting in dead zones around the shores of reservoirs.Fish that lay their eggs in the shallows,for example,may find a few hours later that those sites are high and dry.
Downstream(在下游方向)of a dam,the flow may be reduced so that farmers cannot irrigate their fields.Many rivers run through national borders,which may cause conflict over precious water.Disputes have been continuing between India and Pakistan,and Turkey,Syria and Iraq,for example.
Dams don't just block the flow of water.They also prevent fish migrations,and dams are a barrier to sediment(沉淀物)flows.Instead of rushing downriver,sediments get backed up against the dam wall,which causes the reservoir level to increase over time.However,sediments which are rich in nutrients have become a problem.The fertility of the entire system can be influenced,with soils lost during seasonal rains not being replaced.
Perhaps the biggest problem can be seen in deltas,which are sinking into the oceans.Groundwater is being extracted to feed the city,causing the city to sink,and sediments washed away by the ocean are no longer being replaced.The result is that sea level rises in cities from Shanghai to Alexandria.
The Hoover Dam is mentioned in the passage in order to show________.

A.dams play an important role in our life
B.dams have impacted the flow of the rivers
C.dams make people lose their land and houses
D.dams have many benefits as well as side effects

What effects does creating a reservoir have on people's life?
a.People will see fewer birds on the sides of the rivers.
b.Farmers will have less water to irrigate their fields.
c.Visitors can't visit some cultural relics any more.
d.More conflicts and wars over water will break out.
e.More kinds of fish will become extinct in future.

A.a,c  B.c,e
C.b,e  D.b,c

With many dams built across the rivers,fish ________.

A.will find more places to lay their eggs
B.will face a dangerous habitat
C.will be fed on more sediments rich in nutrients
D.will find it easier to deal with the rise of water

How can dams influence large cities like Shanghai?

A.Their entire system will be influenced.
B.The rainy season will last longer.
C.They will lie below sea level in future.
D.Rich soils will be washed away.

What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Environmental loss of dams.
B.Cultural loss of dams.
C.Economic gain of dams.
D.Environmental benefits of dams.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Women are meant to be the experts at shopping, but new research reveals the whole experience leaves them stressed. The surprise findings show that not all women get comfort from shopping.  In fact, in a supermarket environment, one third of females feel it a burden when they do the weekly shop despite being organized and armed with shopping lists, The reason why women are more nervous in the supermarket is largely that they are rushing round trying to conduct the shopping as quickly as possible. Doing the food shop will be one item on a massive list of jobs,and something which simply has to be done at speed.  Women even admitted to having an argument with another shopper in the supermarket-either because of trolley rage, fighting over the same item or queue jumping. They can't stand feeling rushed when the cashier scans items too quickly so they struggle to get everything into the right bags.
In contrast, three quarters of men quite enjoy their food shopping experience and are happy to push their way around the aisles searching out products. Men are less forgetful about what they want to buy, are less likely to feel rushed by the cashiers and are more methodical at the checkouts. Men seem to adopt a much more laid back and methodical approach, taking their time looking for bargains and make sure they're getting the most for their money.
But the poll suggests women are the savvier shoppers—as they are less baffled by all the different brands in the shop and are more likely to ask for help if needed.

Title:____Between Men and Women when Shopping
They feel
stressed even they
are well ____
when shopping.
·They want to finish the shopping ____.
·Maybe they will have a(n)__ __with another shopper.
·They feel rushed because ____is so quick that they didn't have enough time to put ___that they have bought into the right bags.
They ____shopping.
·They are happy to push their way around to search for products.
·They are less ___and are less likely to feel rushed.
·They are more methodical to find bargains to ____the most of their money.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知