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I _______ these mistakes down in my notebook next time.

A.write B.will write C.writes D.wrote
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Yinchuan is an _______city than Wuzhong.

A.old B.large C.older D.oldest
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Please remember not to speak _______ in the reading room.

A.loudly B.slowly C.quietly D.quickly
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Wang Tao lives the _______ to school of all my classmates.

A. close B.closer C.near D.nearest
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Tom’s mother asked him _________ some washing after dinner.

A.do B.to do C.does D.did
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My teacher is an interesting man, his words made everyone _________.

A.laughed B.to laugh C.laugh D.laughs
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What ______ at seven yesterday morning?

A.is she doing B.was she doing C.did she do D.does she do
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Bring a map of China because you _______ want to travel around.

A. may B.must C.need D.can
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In China when the traffic light is red, you ________ cross the road.

A.need B.should C.mustn’t D.must
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A: May I go out to play football, Dad?
B: No, you ________. You must finish your homework first.

A.may not B.needn’t C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lao She was one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century. He was not only an excellent writer,     also a great modern novelist小说家 and dramatist剧作家.
Lao She was born into a      family in Beijing and his real name was Shu  Qingchun. His family was poor after his father died. His mother had a very      time. Lao She worked his way through college. After graduating he started to work as a      in primary and middle schools. He liked      since he was a child. He didn’t write his first novel until 1     He was famous      his novel Camel Xiangzi and the play Teahouse. Teahouse shows the      of the Chinese people between 1898 and 1945. Most people like to see it.
Like      famous intellectuals 知识分子 in China, he experienced lots of bad things in the middle 1960s.     , he killed himself in a lake in 1966.
He was married to Hu Jieqing and they      four children, one son and three daughters.

A.and B.but C.or D.so

A.poor B.mistakes C.rich D.plans

A.happy B.good C.mad D.hard

A.guide B.doctor C.teacher D.waiter

A.writing B.singing C.listening D.reading

A.as B.for C.to D.with

A.idea B.family C.life D.interest

A.other B.others C.another D.else

A.Luckily B.Unluckily C.Quickly D.Certainly

A.took B.played C.spent D.had

  • 题型:未知
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Shanghai is a nice city. The weather here is mild (温和的), that is, it is neither too hot nor too cold. It changes from season to season. Now many tall buildings have been set up one after another. But at the same time, the city is full of people. As a result, the traffic is terrible. Traffic jams (拥挤) happen during the rush(高峰) hours. If you want to go to a place far away, the fastest way is neither driving, nor riding a bike. It is often walking! The policemen in Shanghai are very helpful. Visitors can ask them for help if they lose their way or lose something. But when you disobey (违背)the traffic rules, they will be very strict with you. A lot of people in Shanghai can speak English. Travellers from English speaking countries feel at home here. Welcome to Shanghai.
The weather in Shanghai is _________.        

A.mild B.hot C.cold D.cool

The traffic in Shanghai is terrible because the city is full of _________.

A.many buildings B.people C.bikes D.streets

Sometimes the fastest way to a place far away is to go __________.

A.by taxi B.by bike C.on foot D.by bus

The policemen in Shanghai are always ready to __________.

A.disobey B.work C.talk D.help

English speaking people can often _________ people in the streets in Shanghai.

A.listen to B.talk to C.get D.ask
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Something was crying outside. So I went out to see what was happening. A big cat sat by the door. It must run for a long time as it looked tired and dirty. I let it in my house and took out some food; this poor cat ate all, but still looked starving…, so I got my own cats’ fish, and the cat ate that too!
My five-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter were interested in the cat. They bathed (给……洗澡) it and fed it more food. They wanted to keep it. But I didn’t agree. It was not because I didn’t love it. We already had 2 cats and 2 dogs and our house was not big enough to keep more. Another reason was that I thought maybe it got lost. And its owner (主人) must be worried about it. Then I posted notices all over the town in the hope of finding its home. I also bought an ad (广告)time on a radio station. Three weeks passed, but there was no response (答复).
Finally, I decided to keep the cat. Our house was small, but I would take good care of it as possible as I could.  
What did the cat look like when it came to the writer’s home?

A.Tired but beautiful. B.Cute and clean.
C.Dirty but lovely. D.Tired and dirty.

Why didn’t the writer agree to keep the cat?

A. The children liked to hit the cat. B.The cat was too small.
C.He wanted to help the cat find its owner. D.He didn’t like it.

What does the underlined word“starving”mean in Chinese?

A.饥饿的 B.忧郁的 C.恐惧的 D.沮丧的

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.At last, the writer had three cats and two dogs.
B.The writer’s house was too small to keep the cat.
C.The writer’s daughter is three years younger than his son.
D.The writer tried hard to find the cat’s home.

What is the passage mainly about?

A.Why the writer didn’t want to keep cats any more.
B.How the writer found a cat and raised 饲养 it.
C.How the writer’s family looked after a cat.
D.What the writer did to find the cat’s owner.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many students ask for ___________ (建议)about how to improve their English.
My home town is especially ____________ (闻名)for its university.
That means we have a better ___________ (机会) of winning.
A ___________ (旅行) by train is more relaxing than by coach.
It’s sad to think of pandas and other animals in ____________ (危险).
The car stopped just in time, but the boy ______________ (跌落) off his bike.
I was_____________ (试图) to pick up the snake when it bit me again.
There are ______________ (暴风雨) from time to time in summer and autumn.
For ____________ (例子),you must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time.
But he could have ____________ (困难) hearing you  or speaking to you.

  • 题型:未知
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Alice was sitting with her sister by the river and her sister was___________ a book. Alice had nothing to do. Once or_____________ she looked into her sister’s book. “And what is a book for,” thought Alice, “without picture or conversation?” Suddenly a white rabbit with______________eyes ran by.There was nothing strange about that. She______________the rabbit say, “Oh dear! Oh dear! I’ll be late!” and she did not think it was strange. Then the rabbit took a watch out of its_____________ and looked at it. A rabbit with a pocket and a watch? Alice got up and ran across the____________ after it. She saw it go down a large rabbit_____________ in the ground.  
Then Alice went down after it, but never thought about how she was going to get out again. She_____________that she was falling down a very, very deep hole. It was too dark for her to see anything. She was falling for a long time.
she was falling, she was____________ about her cat, Dinah. Suddenly she landed on some dry leaves.

  • 题型:未知
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Betty: Hey, boys!
Tony:Hi, Betty. Hi, Lingling. Where are you going?
Betty: We’re going to the park to skate. There’s thick ice on the lake. Are you ____________ (come)with us?
Tony: Are you joking? It’s really cold today.
Daming: And it’s            (cloud) too, so it might snow.
Lingling: What’s the temperature?
Tony: It’s between minus eight ___________ minus two degrees! Winter is _____________ (cold) here than in England.
Daming: Is it ______________ ( snow) in England in December?
Tony: Not usually, although this year it _____________ (snow) quite a lot. Most Decembers are wet and ______________ ( rain).
Daming: What’s the weather like in America in winter, Betty?
Betty: We have cold winters and _____________ summers. It’s snowy in New York in winter.
Tony: Sounds great! I like ______________ (sun) weather, and I like snow as well. But I don’t like showers or windy weather.
Betty: Me neither. Rainy weather is terrible! I wish I ____________ (be) in Australia now. It’s probably sunny and hot there.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

作为一名中学生,我们应该在学习和生活中学会帮助别人,关心他人……请你以 “Helping Others”为题,用英语写一篇70词左右的短文谈谈你的想法和具体做法。

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

假如你是王辉,上周你应邀去你的英国好友Emma家做客,这次经历让你了解到英国人的一些生活方式和习惯。请根据以下提示以“My Experiences in an Englishman’s family”为题目写一篇70词左右的短文,可适当增加细节。提示如下:1.初次见面,必须称呼对方“先生”或“女士”; 2. 和英国人交谈时,不问他们的年龄3.英国人收到礼物会立即打开;4.在英国,人们喝茶通常会加牛奶。

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