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---I took lots of photos in Hainan.
---Really? Could you show ______ to me?

A.it B.their C.they D.them
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---What time does the library open?
--- ______ eight o’clock.

A.In B.On C.At D.To
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We’re glad to see that Beijing is developing _______ these years than ever before.

A.quickly B.more quickly C.most quickly D.the most quickly
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---Must I work out the problem right now?
---Yes, you _______. It’s very serious.

A.can B.must C.may D.should
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  • 难度:未知

Don’t put your hand out of the car window, ______ you will be hurt by the passing traffic.

A.but B.so C.and D.or
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— Is that Jack speaking?
—Sorry, he isn’t here. He ________the cinema with his aunt.

A.has gone to B.goes C.will go D.was going
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---Do your two children live in Beijing with you?
--- _______. One is in Shanghai, the other is in Tianjin.

A.Each B.All C.Neither D.Both
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--- Jenny, ________do you visit your grandparents?
--- Twice a month.

A.How long B.How soon C.How often D.How many
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If the green light isn’t on, ___________ a minute.

A.wait B.waits C.will wait D.waiting
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I enjoy _____the western food and I often make some for my parents.

A.cook B.cooking C.cooks D.to cook
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---Have you finished reading The Twilight Saga?
---No, I _______ my homework all day yesterday.

A.was doing B.doing C.did D.have done
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These English songs are very popular and they often____ on the radio all the time.

A.play B.played C.are played D.were played
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-- Do you know__________?
--- Next Friday.

A. when did the book come out B.when the book came out
C. when will the book come out D.when the book will come out
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was in my ninth grade, I was on a stage-design team for a play and Mrs. Reagan was my director. Almost immediately I loved her. She had an unpleasant voice and a direct way of speaking, __1__ she was encouraging and inspiring. For some reason, she was impressed with my work and me.
Mrs. Reagan would ask me for my __2__. She wanted to know how I thought we should deal with things. At first I had no idea how to answer because I knew __3__ about stage design! But I slowly tried to answer her __4__. It was cause and effect: She believed I had opinions, so I began to make them and I completed them perfectly. She believed in me, so I began to believe in myself.
Mrs. Reagan 's motto that year was, "Try it. We can achieve it __5__!" I began to take the chances. I had been so afraid of failing but suddenly there was no failing. I learned to create something __6__.
The shy, quiet freshman achieved success that year. I was __7__ in the program as "Student Art Assistant" because of the time and effort I'd put in. It was that year that I __8__ I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing stage design.
Being on that stage-design team with Mrs. Reagan changed me completely. Not only was I stronger and more experienced than I had thought, but I also __9_ a strong interest and a world I hadn't known. She taught me not to __10__ what people think I should do. She taught me to take chances and not be __11_. Mrs. Reagan was the person who gave me confidence when I was upset. Her trust in me has encouraged me to do things that I never imagined __12__.

A.and B.so C.yet D.for

A.impression B.opinion C.information D.advice

A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing

A.questions B.words C.explanations D.ideas

A.again B.more C.instead D.later

A.easily B.carefully C.confidently D.proudly

A.introduced B.recognized C.placed D.considered

A.proved B.decided C.accepted D.realized

A.discovered B.developed C.took D.encouraged

A.accept B.decide C.care D.wonder

A.afraid B.lazy C.sad D.bored

A.successful B.possible C.enjoyable D.agreeable

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. Tickets for London Eye Flight (30 mins,$22)
The London Eye-an famous symbol for this famous city. The world’s largest sightseeing wheel offers a way to see over 55 of London’s famous buildings!
B. Tickets for Madame Tussauds (Flexible,$25)

In this waxwork(蜡像) museum, visitors will find Henry VIII and his six wives, the present Queen and many other famous people, including sports or pop stars. It is a must-see place in London.

C. London Duck Tours (80 mins, $30)
Don’t miss the exciting adventure for visitors to London, taking in the sight by road and river! No one has ever seen anything like it before! It is more than a sightseeing tour-it’s an adventure. Don’t miss this one!
D. The Traditional London Sightseeing Tour (24 hours pass, $40)

See London’s important sights on an open-top double-decker bus and see every sight in London including the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral and Piccadilly. Simply “Get on and Get off” at your choice of famous place.

What is the famous symbol of London?

A.The London Eye. B.The Waxwork Museum.
C.The Tower of London. D.St. Paul’s Cathedral.

If you want to see many famous people, you can______.

A.take the London Eye B.go to the Madame Tussauds
C.take the London Duck Tours D.take the double-decker bus

For young people who wants to try new things, they could visit London by____.

A.taking the boat B.taking the double-decker bus
C.joining the Duck Tours D.taking the taxi
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The hottest topic in Yongjin Middle School,it's money. The school held an activity called “making money” last weekend.About 200 Junior1and Junior 2 students were divided into 30 teams.They went out to make money by selling things.
Some sold newspapers;some chose bottled water;some sold environmentally friendly shopping bags.
Hu Qing's team decided to sell some useful books in Activity Center.They thought parents would like to buy the books for their children.But unfortunately,they met urban management officers.The officers asked them to leave.“Finally we had to give up.” said Hu.
Wang Bing and her team sold ice cream in a square.They didn't meet any officers.But few people were interested in what they were selling.The team then put up a board saying “For Country Kids”.It worked.More people came to their stall(小摊).A foreigner even gave them 100 yuan. Later that day they gave the money to the “Project Hope” office.
Meng Zhaoxiang and his team were luckier.They sold all their cakes in four hours.They made 40 yuan.“It was not easy to make the money,” said Meng.“Some people just looked.Others just tasted but didn't buy.Now I know how hard it is for our parents to make the money we need to lead happy lives.”
                   took part in the activity

A.All the students B.Some students of Junior 1 and Junior 2
C.Some teachers D.About 200 students of the three grades

Why did Hu Qing's team finally give up ?

A.their books are not useful
B.the parents didn’t like to buy the books
C.the officers didn’t allow them to sell anything there
D.the Children Activity Center was too crowded

According to the passage the students can learn                    

A.it’s impossible for them to make money
B.it's not easy for their parents to make money
C.it's very important for them to make a living
D.it’s necessary for school to hold more activities in the future
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once there was a little girl who lived in a small, very simple, poor house on a hill. From there she could see across the valley to a wonderful house high on the hill on the other side. This house had golden windows, so golden and shining that the little girl would dream of how magic it would be to grow up and live in a house with golden windows instead of an ordinary house like hers. She wanted to live in such a golden house and dreamed all day about how wonderful and exciting it must feel to live there.
When she got to an age and got enough skill and sensibility to go outside, she asked her mother if she could go for a ride outside the gate and down the lane. After pleading with her, her mother finally allowed her to go, insisting that she should keep close to the house and not wander too far. The day was beautiful and the little girl knew exactly where she was heading! Down the lane and across the valley, she got to the gate of the golden house across on the other hill.
As she arrived, she focused on the path that led to the house and then on the house itself. She was so disappointed as she realized all the windows were ordinary and rather dirty, reflecting(反映出) nothing other than the sad neglect of the house that was derelict(废弃的).
So sad she didn't go any further and turned, and heart broken. As she glanced up she saw a sight to amaze her. There across the way on her side of the valley was a little house and its windows glistened golden as the sun shone on her little home.
She realized that she had been living in her golden house and all the love and care she found there was what made her home the “golden house”. Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her nose! 
Which sentence is True according to the passage?

A.The girl’s mother finally allowed her to go to the golden house alone.
B.The golden house was on the hill where the girl lived.
C.What disappointed the little girl was that the house was locked.
D.Actually, the windows of the golden house were common and covered with dirt.

What can we infer from the passage ?

A.The girl didn’t love or care for her parents
B.The girl had no idea where she was heading after leaving home
C.The mother thought that she needn’t keep an eye on her daughter
D.The girl made up her mind to go to the golden house at the beginning

The passage is intended to tell us that_____.

A.not all dreams will come true
B.girls often have amazing imagination
C.what we dream of may be just around us
D.nothing is impossible to a willing heart
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  • 难度:未知

One summer vacation in my college, my roommate Ted asked to me to work on his father’s farm in Argentina. The idea was exciting. Then I had second thoughts. I had never been far from New England, and I had been homesick my first few weeks at college. What about the language? The more I thought about it, the more the idea worried me.
Finally, I turned down the invitation. Then I realized I had turned down something I wanted to do because I was scared and felt depressed(沮丧). That experience taught me a valuable lesson and I developed a rule for myself: do what makes you anxious(焦虑); don’t do what makes you depressed.
In my senior year, I wanted to be a writer. But my professor wanted me to teach. I hesitated. The idea of writing was much scarier than spending a summer in Argentina. Back and forth I went, making my decision, unmaking it. Suddenly I realized that every time I gave up the idea of writing, that downhearted feeling went through me.
Giving up writing really depressed me. Then I learned another lesson. To avoid the depression meant having to bear much worry and concern.
When I first began writing articles, I often interviewed big names. Before each interview I would get butterflies in the stomach. One of them was the great composer Duke Ellington. On the stage and on television, he seemed very confident. Then I learned Ellington still got stage fright(害怕). If Ellington still had anxiety attacks, how could I avoid them? I went on doing those frightening interviews. Little by little, I was even looking forward to the interviews. Where were those butterflies?
In truth, they were still there, but fewer of them. I had learned from a process psychologists(心理学家) call “extinction”. If you put an individual in an anxious situation often, finally there isn’t anything to be worried about, which brings me to a conclusion: you’ll never get rid of anxiety by avoiding the things that caused it.
The point is that the new, the different, is definitely scary. But each time you try something, you learn, and as the learning piles up, the world opens to you.
We can infer from the passage that the author________. 

A.finds it difficult to make decision
B.has found out what causes anxiety
C.was encouraged by Duke Ellington’s stage fright
D.no longer feels anxious about new experiences

What does the word “extinction” in Paragraph 6 means?

A.a person’s loss of confidence little by little
B.the natural development of a child’s abilities
C.the inborn ability to avoid anxious situations
D.the process of losing fear by keeping facing anxiety

Which of the following opinions does the writer probably accept?

A.Anxiety can be a positive drive
B.Hesitation leads to depression.
C.Avoiding anxiety reduces depression.
D.Depression is a signal that one is growing up.

What's the best title for the passage?

A.Confidence: Key to Success
B.Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name
C.Depression: A Psychological Appearance
D.Success: A Trip Through Anxiety and Depression
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You have been thinking about it all week. It kept you awake last night. Now, as you walk to the front of the class, your throat is dry and your stomach feels funny. _____. However, by making a small preparations and rehearing(预演)carefully, you can be a public speaking star, too.
_____. Being excited about your topic is necessary for all the good speeches, so it's important to choose carefully. If you enjoy your topic, your audience(观众) will, too. Even if you are given a topic, try to find something about it that it is exciting or funny.
Next do some research. Don't just research your topic. _____. If you can, study videos of a great speaker to see how they move, speak, and pause(停顿). Copying their style will help you to write a great speech.
After researching, it’s time to write your speech. During this stage, think of your audience all the time. Entertaining your audience is important. It helps you relax if you know that your audience is enjoying your speech.
Finally, rehearse. You really need to rehearse a lot. Measure your speech with a watch, and practice in front of a mirror. _____ . If you have followed all these steps, you should be ready for your audience. Good luck!

A. You are a very successful speaker
B. Learn from some great speakers as well
C. Start by choosing something that you are interested in
D. Many students find it difficult to give a public speech
E. You can check your hand movement and facial expression


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Born in 1949, Diana Nyad took an early interest in swimming as a sport and was a Florida State High School swimming champion(冠军). Like many young trainers, she had Olympic dreams, but a serious illness prevented her from competing in the Games. The disappointment didn’t stop her from going forward. Instead, she became interested in marathon swimming.
For ten years Nyad devoted herself to becoming one of the world’s best long-distance swimmers. In 1970, she swam a ten-mile marathon in Lake Ontario, setting the women’s record for the course. In 1972 she set another record by swimming 102.5 miles from an island in the Bahamas to the coast of Florida. Then she broke a third record when swimming around Manhattan Island in 1975.
Nyad attempted to swim the distance between Florida and Cuba in 1978. Though the span(跨度) of water is less than 100 miles wide, it is rough and dangerous. After battling(与---作战) the water for two days, she had to give up for the sake of her own health and safety. Even so, she impressed the world with her courage and strong desire to succeed. It did not matter that her swim came up short; she believed she had touched the other shore.
When Nyad ended her career as a swimmer, she continued to try new things---travelling the world as a reporter, writing books and giving public speeches about her life. Diana Nyad works to inspire others, just as she did when she swam the waters of the world.
What was Nyad’s early interest?
When did Nyad set the record for a ten-mile marathon swimming?
According to the passage, how many times did Nyad join the long-distance swimming?
What did Nyad do after she finished swimming?
What can we learn from the passage?

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  • 难度:未知

_____________ go out to relax.
The exam is coming. _______________ waste your time.
Christmas in the west is ___________the Spring Festival in China.
In order to achieve success, ________________________ easily.
People usually _______________________________________solve problems.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Dear Zhang Li,
I have been so sad these days. As you know, an earthquake happened in my hometown and both my parents died. Though the government gives us much help, my little sister and I cried every night because of missing, and I don’t want to learn anything. I find it hard to talk with the people around. Life is dark for me without parents’ love!
What should I do?  I really need your help.
Lin Na


Dear Lin Na,
I’m so sorry to hear the sad news.
I understand you .
I hope what I said can help you. 
Zhang Li


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