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If you keep on writing, you will have _____brighter future, likely to become  _____J, K. Rowling.

A.the; a B.the; the C.a; a D.a; the
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Korean singer PSY must have the _____of seeing his song Gangnam Style become popular  all over the world

A.expression B.attention C.satisfaction D.impression
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

—Have you figured out how much the tuition is in American universities?
—$19,000, or _____like that

A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.something
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  • 难度:未知

—Are you content with Ang Lees new film Lifeof Pi?
—Not a little. It couldn’t be _____.

A.any better B.any worse C.so bad D.the best
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  • 难度:未知

—Car prices have been going down sharply in the last 20 years.
—It’s not surprising because the law of market _____the price of a product

A.is controlling B.controls C.has controlled D.controlled
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  • 难度:未知

_____ is shown in the report, teenager problems are often connected with family lifeeducation.

A.Which B.As C.It D.What
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  • 难度:未知

_____copies of Mo Yan’s works will be on sale after his talk at the Press Conference.

A.Signing B.Sign C.Signed D.To sign
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  • 难度:未知

No matter how healthy you _____be,you need to consult a doctor from time to time.

A.should B.will C.must D.may
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  • 难度:未知

How time flies! It’s in two months _____we’ll say goodbye to our high school Life.

A.before B.that C.until D.when
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  • 难度:未知

—My son is addicted to computer games. He is hopeless, isn't he?
—Yes, _____ he is determined to give up and start all over.

A.if B.when C.even if D.unless
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  • 难度:未知

Please hold on to _____you are strong and try to improve the weak subjects.

A.when B.where C.what D.which
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  • 难度:未知

—Look ,I’ve got admission to Harvard University for a short-term study next semester.
—How fantastic! You _____a different university Life then.
A. have experienced                     B. will be experiencing
C_ have been experiencing               D. will have experienced

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  • 难度:未知

Recendy the Chinese society has _____a flow of new words such as Geli and Shanhunw

A.seen B.observed C.made D.looked
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  • 难度:未知

At first I was a little worried,but I’m glad that things have _____quite well for me.
A.   carried out    B- worked out      C. figured out    D. made out

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  • 难度:未知

—I think Sally is really a good teacher for you guys.
--- _____. We all. feel lucky to have her teaching us.

A.You said it B.All right
C.Thank you so much D.My pleasure
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Two years ago ,Shirley, wife, mother and doctor, found herself worn out. She got up earlier, and went to bed later, just to meet everyday 36 _____ , but lacked 37 _____ for the things that mattered most She and her husband, a lawyer, began searching for ways to 38 _____ their lives. We had to decide what was really 39 _____” says Shirley. They knew they wanted more time to 40 _____ with their three- year -old son, to exercise and eat right, and to develop friendship.
So the couple chose to live more simply,shopping with care for necessities and enjoying inexpensive 41 _____ such as reading, cooking and going to the park.
Then Shirley 42 _____ her job and began working part time. She printed business cards that 43 _____
“At your service, buy 44 _____ a little time” and helped clients (客户)with personal tasks like shopping, paying bills and 45 parties. “I still work hard, but being able to control my hours makes a 46 _____,” she says,“ I can spare time to take my son to the 47 _____ or play basketball with him. My stress and headaches are 48  _____ ’’
Shirley and her husband are 49 _____ alone in wanting to 50 _____ and live a satisfying Life. A survey found that 54 percent of parents say they have little time with their children, and 47 percent of married couples 51  _____that they lack time together. 52  _____does the time go?
For most people, 53 _____ and commuting (通勤)take up most of the day. Simplifying means becoming 54 _____ of the ways we use money, time and energy, and finding ways to make things easier. Then we have to gain 55 _____ over Life and have time for the pleasures.

A.activities B.services C.demands D.exercises

A.lead B.simplify C.adapt D.consider

A.study B.help C.meet D.play

A.pleasures B.places C.tasks D.goods

A.found B.received C.took D.quit

A.read B.wrote C.showed D.told

A.life B.result C.balance D.difference

A.office B.hospital C.park D.school

A.gone B.better C.strong D.obvious

A.a bit B.far from C.much too D.more than

A.keep pace B.settle down C.take off D.slow down

A.How B.When C.Where D.Why

A.aware B.afraid C.proud D.sure

A.value B.control C.success D.experience

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic. He constantly advertised for hired hands. Most people were not willing to work on farms along the Atlantic because they worried about the terrible storms that destroy buildings and crops. The farmer received a steady stream of refusals at the interview for a farmhand
Finally, a short, thin man approached the farmer. “Are you a good farmhand?” the farmer asked him.
Well, I can sleep when the wind blows. ” answered the little man.
Although puzzled by this answer ,the farmer, desperate for help, hired him. The little man worked well around the farm ,busy from dawn to dusk, and the farmer felt satisfied with the man's work.
Then one night the wind howled loudly from offshore. Jumping out of bed,the farmer grabbed a lantern and rushed next door to the hired hand’s sleeping quarters. He shook the little man and yelled, “ Get up! A storm is coming! Tie things down before they are blown away! ”
The little man rolled over in bed and said firmly, “No sir. I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows. ”
Enraged (激怒)by the response, the farmer was tempted to fire  him on the spot ,Instead, he hurried outside to prepare for the storm. To his amazement,he discovered that all of the hay had been covered. The cows were in the bam,the chickens were in the coops,and the doors were barred The shutters were tightly secured. Everything was tied down, Nothing could be blown away.
The farmer then understood what his hired hand meant, so he also returned to his bed to sleep while the wind was still blowing.
Why did the farmer constantly advertise for hired hands?

A.Because he needed hired hands all. the year round.
B.Because there was too much work to do on the farm.
C.Because he could hardly hire a farmhand.
D.Because he offered poor conditions for the hired hands.

The farmer felt amazed because _______

A.the Little man was sleeping B.everything was in safety
C.the wind was too strong D.he could not open the doors

What did the man mean by saying “I can sleep when the wind blows. ” ?

A.He needed much sleep after working hard on the farm.
B.He was very brave and not afraid of wind
C.He enjoyed sleeping when the wind blew.
D.He would get everything done before the wind blew.

Which of the following  statements about the Little man is TRUE?

A.He was not afraid of storms.
B.He was a heavy sleeper under any condition
C.He was hard-working and devoted to his work.
D.He was fired shortly after he tied everything down.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What is an Oyster card?
Oyster is the easiest way to pay for journeys on the bus ,Tube ,tram,Docklands light Railway (DLR),London Overground and National Rail journeys in London You can store your travel cards, Bus & Tram Pass,season tickets and credit to pay for journeys as you go.
Where to get an Oyster card?
There are a number of ways for you to get an Oyster card :
•   At over 3,900 Oyster Ticket stops
•   At Tube and London Overground station ticket offices
•   At some National Rail stations
•   At London Travel information Centres
•    Online at tfl. gov. uk/oyster
How to use an Oyster card?
To pay the correct fare on the Tube ,DLR,London Overground and National Rail services,you must always touch m on the yellow Oyster card reader at the start of your journey,and touch out at the end. ff you don’t, a maximum cash Oyster fare will be changed When using the bus or tram, you must only touch in at the start, but not at the end of your journey.
What happens if I don’t visit London very often?
Don’t worry. Any pay as you go credit on your card will not expire (过期),so you can keep it for your next visit or lend it to a friend.
Traveling by Tube from Central London (Zone l)to Heathrow (Zone 6)
Adult Oyster single fare
£ 4. 20 Monday to Friday 06:30 - 09:30 and 16:00 一 19:00
£ 2. 70 at all other times including public holidays
Adult single cash fare £ 5.00
For further information,visit tfL.gov. uk /fares.
You can get an Oyster card at the following plaices EXCEPT_____

A.on the website B.at an Oyster Ticket stop
C.at a post office D.at a Tube station

Which of the following is TRUE about Oyster cards?

A.They are limited in use to the owners themselves.
B.On National Rail services you must touch them on the reader twice.
C.They are not suitable for those who don’t visit London often.
D.Oyster card Tube fares cost more on public holidays than on weekdays.

H a person with an Oyster card fakes the 7 o’clock Tube from Central London to Heathrow for a week (no public holiday in between),he should pay_____.

A.f 18.90 B.£ 29.40 C.£21.90 D.f26.40

The passage is probably taken from a_______
A journal            B. travel brochure C. textbook    D. novel

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

UGG boots have been a winter-weather fashion for several years now, combining function, comfort, warmth and even some style. What many UGG-enthusiasts don’t know is that their boots are a breeding ground for bacteria and cause foot problems.
Doctors believe the boots, which are particularly popular among young teenage girls, are leading to a rise in the number of people suffering pains in their feet and knees.
Dr. Ian Drysdale,head of the British College of Osteopathic Medicine,believes because the foot does not get the proper support on the inside,it will lead to more ankle,knee,hip and back problems. “These boots are not designed for outside wear. Just because something becomes a trend or fashionable doesn’t mean it’s good or right,” he said, “The particular problem with this type of footwear is that it is unsupported. It’s a slipper. You wouldn’t normally expect to be doing outdoor activities from something that’s indoor. If you decide to wear your pajamas outside all. the time, someone will come up and say it’s not a good idea. ” Dr. Drysdale explained that the feet issues become a particular problem among young teenage girls,whose bones are “ plastic ” and developing when they are growing. “ If that structure is developing in an inappropriate way,” he said, “then the ultimate structure will be deformed ”
Mike 0,NeiU, a consultant surgeon, said, “As the foot slides around, you get wear and tear (磨损)on the joints on the inside of the foot The ankle is m the wrong position, the thigh bone also changes position, and you get an abnormal movement in the pelvis, which leads to back problems. ”
UGG AustraUa9 who makes the designer version of the boots, told The Daily Mirror that their boots are “comfort” rather than “performance” footwear and consumers should be aware of “knockoffs”(仿制品)which lack reinforced heels in their boots.
Teenage girls prefer to wear UGG boots because of the following except______

A.design B.comfort C.quality D.warmth

Accordi^ to Dr. Ian Drysdale,_____

A.there is a possibility that bacteria will multiply in UGG boots
B.wearing UGG boots will lead to more ankle and toe problems
C.it’s not a good idea to wear boots like UGG outside all the time
D.teenage girl’s bones are plastic enough to wear UGG boots

The underlined word “ deformed” is closest in meaning to_____
A. shaped            B_ strengthened    C. reformed     D. damaged
Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Potential Harm of UGG Boots B.The Popularity of UGG Boots
C.The Unique Design of UGG Boots D.Benefits of UGG Boots
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Deception (骗术)is something that people do all the time ,and it plays an important role in military (军事的)strategy. Now some researchers are trying to figure out how to get robots to do it, by looking at the behavior of squirrels and birds.
At Georgia Tech, a team led by Ronald Arkin , a professor at the School of interactive Computing, studied the literature on squirrels hiding their acorns (橡果).Squirrels will hide their food m a certain place, but when they see other squirrels trying to steal from them, they attempt to fool the thieves by running to a fake location.
Ronald Arkin and his Ph. D. student Jaeeun Shim used that as a model for robot behavior. They programmed the robot into tricking a “predator (捕食者)” machine by doing what εi squirrel does: showing the enemy a false location for an important resource.
The team also looked at how other animals in this case,a species of bird called Arabian babbler~ drive off predators. A babbler will make an alarm call when they see a predator and other babblers will join the bird and make more calls. They then surround the predator, all the while flapping (拍打)wings and making noises. The babblers don’t ever actually fight the animal they want to drive off; they just make enough noises and flaps around enough so that it seems that attacking a babbler isn’t worth it
They found that the deception works when the group reaches a certain size—essentially, when enough birds arrive to convince the enemy that it’s best to back off . Davis modeled that behavior in software using a military scene and found that it worked even if the group didn’t have the firepower to confront the enemy directly.
The military is interested in this because a robot that can fool an opponent is a valuable tool. It could lead an enemy down a fake trail or make itself look more dangerous than it actually is.
Why does the military want to take advantage of squirrels’trick?

A.It can reduce the use of firepower to confront the enemy.
B.It can fool the enemy into believing it is more dangerous.
C.It can lead the enemy in a wrong direction to avoid losing resources.
D.It can scare the enemy away who wants to destroy the acorns.

Which of the following is NOT the way Arabian babblers drive off predators?

A.One bird makes an alarm call and other birds will join it
B.They fight the enemy bravely face to face.
C.They make noises and flaps around the predator.
D.They force the predator aware that it isn't worthwhile to attack.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Animals' behaviors are researched to be applied to the study of military robots.
B.Robots, fooling tricks are applied to the study of animals’behaviors.
C.Birds and squirrels are the animals that are good at deception.
D.Researchers are interested m animals’military-related behaviors.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Examinations are almost always stressful Students rarely know exactly what to expect on the test, and those who suffer from exam fear or exam anxiety can see their grades suffer as a result of this stress. For some students,exam fear causes them to “ seize up ’’ and forget what they have studied.
2______Good study habits and learning how to relax can help students overcome exam fear.
3     ______According to Penn State University and Kids Health,proper study habits and preparation are the keys to cutting out exam fear. Avoid last-minute “cramming” for exams and actively listen while in class.
Focus on positive thoughts, relax the night before your test and reward yourself after the test is over. Often, people who suffer from exam anxiety cannot shut out negative thoughts or emotions about the test, and this can contribute to feeling more anxiety than normal 4______
Keep your mind and body healthy by getting  enough sleep, eating well and exercising. Healthier people who are well-rested often do better on exams.
5_____ Exam fear is normal When that anxiety severely interferes (干扰)with your ability to take the test, however, outside help might be needed. Ask your teachers and family for support and help.

A.How To Succeed hi An Exam
B.How To Overcome Exam Fear
C.Develop good study habits.
D.Understand that you are not alone and ask for help if necessary.

E.   Remind yourself that it’s just one test and that you can get through it
F.   Battling this type of performance anxiety can be hard, but it is not impossible.
G.   Remind yourself to read the instructions carefully.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
Yesterday, Li Mei goes to a store to return a shirt without carrying the receipt(收据).When she got there,she refused. The salesman said that he wouldn’t take it back if she showed him the receipt Thinking it was no way out,Li Mei put the shirt back in her bag and left Suddenly two shop guard stopped her and began to search for her. They found the shirt in the bag and looked at it careful  Many eyes were staring at her, what made Li Mei very embarrassing. Luckily, a salesman came up in time and she was allowed to go.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

假定你是李华,准备在高中毕业后的暑假参加美国耶鲁大学的暑期课程(Yale Summer Session 2013)。请写一封电子邮件给负责人Ms.Sumvan,说明自己的情况并询问相关事宜.内容主要包括:
1.   介绍自己写邮件的原因;
2.   询问暑期课程的设置情况(如课程内容,课程数量,时间安排等);
3.   询问参加暑期课程期间的住宿情况(如是否可以住在学校宿舍里等)。
2.   可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3.   邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好。
Dear Ms. Sullivan,
I’m Li Hua,a middle school student from China. ________________________________________________________________________
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知