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In_____ communication, a smile is usually _____ strong sign of friendly attitude.

A.the; 不填 B.a; the C.不填; a D.the; a
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—How do you find out about the latest fashions, Alice?
—In the magazines like Rayli. That’s        clothes companies usually advertise.

A.Which B.where C.what D.why
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  • 难度:未知

— Will you be         this afternoon, John?
— I am afraid not. I have an appointment with my dentist.

A.convenient B.suitable C.accurate D.available
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— No one answered when I phoned this morning. Where were you?
— I         for teeth in the dental clinic.

A.was being treated B.have been treated
C.was treated D.treated
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--- You don't seem to be quite yourself today. What's wrong?
--- Oh, I'm suffering from a cold. Nothing serious, _____.

A.yet B.indeed C.though D.anyway
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A fire broke out in the building at about 7 on Tuesday morning, _____ in the death of a young girl.

A.having resulted B.resulted C.being resulted D.resulting
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  • 难度:未知

Since many young people have become rich on Taobao.com, I wonder what        ________ is like to run a successful on-line business.

A.that B.this C.it D.one
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— Let's have a game of tennis; the loser has to treat the other to a hot dog.

A.I'm afraid so B.It's a deal
C.You've got a point D.My treat
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Jenny works hard as usual and it has _____. She got the first in the final exam again.

A.showed off B.paid back C.paid off D.turned up
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  • 难度:未知

Steps must be taken _____ this kind of disaster will never happen again.

A.because B.even if C.so that D.as
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  • 难度:未知

Mr. Glen is a millionaire. Years ago, after returning from abroad to his motherland, he  1  his company. Speaking of success, Glen often tells us a story about his extra expensive “school” fee. He always  2  his success to it.
At that time, Glen, who already got a Ph.D. degree,  3   to return home, starting a company. Before leaving, he bought a Rolex watch with the   made through years. At the airport he had to accept the  5    customs check. The watch on his wrist was also demanded to be  taken down for  6 . Glen knew that carrying such goods out had to pay the tax, and he worried about paying   7  for his watch. So while checked, he told a lie that his watch was a  8    fake(假货). When he was  9   of his “smarts”, immediately, in the presence of Glen, the officers hit the watch,  10   cost nearly 100,000, into pieces  11  hearing Glen’s words. Glen was  12 . Before he understood why, he was taken to the office to be examined  13   . For many times of entry-exit  14  he knew that only those people in the “blacklist” would “enjoy” this special treatment. The officers looked over everything carefully, and  15  him no matter what time of entry and exit he must accept the check and if   16   reusing and carrying fake goods, he would be   17  by law! Suddenly, his face turned red, and he had nothing in mind after boarding the plane for long.
After that, he often told the story to his family and his employees. He said that this made a deep  18  on him, because the additional high “school” fee that he had ever paid made him realize the value of  19  , which he would remember as the  20  of his success forever.

A.went up B.set up C. took up D.picked up

A.owes B.mentions C.brings D.honors

A.objected B.refused C.decided D.asked

A.books B.things C.pounds D.savings

A.ordinary B.regular C.routine D.common

A.inspection B.look C.test D.experiment

A.it B.one C.them D.these

A.careless B.priceless C.hopeless D.worthless

A.afraid B.ashamed C.proud D.hard

A.whose B.what C.which D.as

A.at B.on C.in D.by

A.amazed B.delighted C.disappointed D.satisfied

A.strictly B.quietly C.quickly D.curiously

A.conditions B.chances C.experiments D.experiences

A.stopped B.warned C.urged D.hoped

A.found out B.came out C.sent out D.set out

A.hit B.charged C.praised D.blamed

A.expression B.idea C.thought D.impression

A.lies B.honesty C.goods D.bravery

A.choice B.lesson C.secret D.belief

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Americans are thinking about national education standards recently developed by teachers and other education experts. The National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) led the effort.
  The United States, unlike other nations, has never had the same school standards across the country. What is the reason? Education is not discussed in the Constitution. That document limits the responsibilities of the federal government. Other responsibilities, like education, fall to each state.
Local control of education probably was a good idea two hundred years ago. People stayed in the same place and schools knew what students needed to learn. But today, people move to different cities. And some people work at jobs that did not exist even twenty years ago.
Many American educators say that getting a good education should not depend on where you live. They say that some states have lowered their standards in order to increase student scores on tests required by the No Child Left behind Act.
  Kara Schlosser is communications director for the CCSSO. She says the new standards clearly state what a student should be able to do to be successful in college and work.
  Forty--eight states have already shown approval for the standards. Two states refuse to accept the idea. Critics say that working toward the same standards in every state will not guarantee excellence for all. Some educators in Massachusetts say adopting the national standards will hurt their students because the state standards are even higher. Others say the change will be too costly, requiring new textbooks and different kinds of training for teachers. Still others fear federal control.
  Supporters say the standards are goals and do not tell states or teachers how to teach. They also say the federal government is not forcing acceptance. However, approving the standards will help states qualify (取得资格) for some federal grant money.
What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Local Control of Education Standards out of Date
B.American National Education Standards under Consideration
C.Education Standards in Each State--Good or Bad.
D.Acceptance of the New Standards in the United States

Why is local control of education no 1onger a good idea today?

A.Because local standards are limited.
B.Because it is required by the federal government.
C.Because people today moves among states more often than before.
D.Because America has never had the same school standards throughout the country.

Some people are against the nationa1 education standards because__________

A.the standards are higher than those of each state
B.they are not yet prepared for the new standards
C.the standards may prevent some students gaining excellence
D.they don't want the federal government to train their teachers

If a state agrees to accept the national standards, it will probably get ________.

A.more students B.advice on how to improve teaching
C.better textbooks D.money from the federal government
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One girl decided to study judo(柔道) although she had lost her left arm in a car accident.
The girl began lessons with an old Japanese judo instructor. The girl was doing well. So she couldn’t understand why, after three months of training, the instructor had taught her only one move.
“Instructor,” the girl finally said, “Shouldn’t I be learning more moves?”
“This is the only move you know, but this is the only move you’ll ever need to know,” the instructor replied.
Not quite understanding, but believing in her teacher, the girl kept training.
Several months later, the instructor took the girl to her first tournament. Surprising herself, the girl easily won her first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, her opponent became impatient and charged. The girl skillfully used her one move to win the match. Still amazed by her success, the girl was now in the finals.
This time, her opponent was bigger, stronger and more experienced. For a while, the girl appeared to be overmatched. Concerned that the girl might get hurt, the referee called a time-out. She was about to stop the match when the instructor intervened(干预).
“No,” the instructor insisted, “Let her continue.”
Soon after the match restarted, her opponent made a serious mistake: she dropped her guard. Instantly, the girl used her move to pin her opponent. The girl had won the match and the tournament. She was the champion.
On the way home, the girl and her teacher reviewed every move in each and every match. Then the girl gathered the courage to ask what was really on her mind.
“Instructor, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”
“You won for two reasons,” the teacher answered. “First, you’ve almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of judo. Second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm.”
The girl’s biggest weakness had become her biggest strength.
What can we learn about the girl?

A.She was disabled in an accident. B.She disliked judo training.
C.She learnt several moves. D.She won the first two matches hard.

The underlined word “overmatched” probably means       .

A.impatient B.depressed C.defeated D.trapped

The girl won the championship because of       .

A.her bravery B.her skills C.her tricks D.her strength

Which of the following is probably the best title of the story?

A.The Story of a Girl. B.A Disabled Girl.
C.Defense Matters. D.Weakness Becomes Strength.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Puerto Rico may be part of the USA but its music and dance is a mixture of both Spanish and African rhythms. The country, as a result, is a mixture of very new and very old. It exhibits the open American way of yet retains the more formal Spanish influences. This is reflected in the architecture, not just the contrast between the colonial and the modern in urban areas but also in the countryside, where older buildings sit side by side with concrete schools and buildings.
However, if you do not wander beyond the tourist areas on the coast, you will not experience the real Puerto Rico. Old volcanic mountains, long inactive, occupy a large part of the interior(内陆), with the highest peak, Cerro de Punta, at 1,338m in the Cordillera Central. North of the Cordillera is the karst (岩溶)country where the limestone(石灰石)has been acted upon by water to produce a series of small steep hills and deep holes. The mountains are surrounded by a coastal plain with the Atlantic shore beaches cooled all the year round by trade winds.
The population is 3.8 million, of which about 1.5 million live in San Juan, although about another two million Puerto Ricans live in the USA Average life expectancy is 73.8 years and GDP per capita is US $12,212, the highest in Latin America, although not up to the level of mainland USA. Most Puerto Ricans do not speak English and less than 30% speak it fluently. Second generation Puerto Ricans who were born in New York but who have returned to the island, are called Nuyoricans. The people are very friendly and hospitable but there is crime, liked to drugs and unemployment.
What are the disadvantages of Puerto Rico?

A.Too many Puerto Ricans live in the USA
B.Few people in Puerto Rico can speak English
C.Puerto Rico’s GDP is lower than that of the USA
D.Social problem connected with drugs and lack of jobs.

We can learn from the passage that Puerto Rico _________.

A.is a state of the United States B.used to be ruled by Spain
C.is an agricultural country D.is gently affected by Africa

Nuyorican is a person who _______.

A.has been living in New York
B.is living in New York
C.was born in New York but has returned to Puerto Rico
D.has got the citizenship of America

What does the underlined word “retains” mean?

A.loses B.keeps C.enjoys D.returns
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you want to live forever? By the year 2050, you might actually get your wish — if you are willing to leave your biological body and live in silicon circuits (半导体电路).But long before then, perhaps as early as 2020, some measures will begin offering a semblance of immortality (虚拟的永生).
Researchers are confident that technology will soon be able to track every waking moment of your life. Whatever you see and hear, all that you say and write, can be recorded, analyzed and added to your personal chronicles (履历). By the year 2030, it may be possible to catch your nervous systems through electrical activities, which would also keep your thoughts and emotions.
Researchers at the laboratories of British Telecommunications have given the name of this idea as Soul Catcher. Small electronic equipment will make preparation for Soul Catcher. It would use a wearable supercomputer, perhaps in a wristwatch, with wireless links to micro sensors under your scalp(头皮) and in the nerves that carry all five sensory signals. So wearing a video camera would no longer be required.
At first, the Soul Catcher's companion system — the Soul Reader — might have trouble copying your thoughts in complete details. Even in 2030, we may still be struggling to understand how the brain is working inside, so reading your thoughts and understanding your emotions might not be possible. But these signals could be kept for the day when they can be transferred to silicon circuits to revitalize minds everlasting entities (永生实体). Researchers can only wonder what it will be like to wake up one day and find yourself alive inside a machine.
For people who choose not to live in silicon, semblance of immortality would not be as useless as they thought. People would know their lives would not be forgotten, but would be kept a record of the human race forever. And future generations would have a much fuller understanding of the past. History would not be controlled by just the rich and powerful, Hollywood stars, and a few thinkers in the upper society.
The main idea of this passage is that _______.

A.human beings long for living forever
B.there are many difficulties in making the Soul Catcher
C.people might live forever as technology develops
D.the invention of Soul Catcher has great importance

According to this passage, a Soul Catcher will be ______.

A.a new machine on which research measures have already been made
B.a new invention in order to catch and keep human's thoughts and emotions
C.made by British scientists to offer something that looks like living forever
D.made of silicon circuits which can catch people's nervous activity

According to the writer, semblance of immortality is ______.

A.to be a reality sooner or later B.far from certain
C.just an idea that couldn't t be realized at all D.a fading hope

The meaning of the underlined word "revitalize" in the fourth paragraph is close to        .

A.make dead B.make famous C.make known D.make active
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When people hear that I’m the youngest person to row solo across the Atlantic Ocean, they all have the same question: How did a 22-year old woman row a 19-foot boat for 70 days through high winds and crashing waves? Well, the biggest difficulty for me wasn’t physical. By the time I decided to do the ocean row, I had already biked 3,300 miles cross-country, run across the Mojave Desert, and swum the 325-mile length of the Allegheny River. No, the tough part would be mental: How would I handle the loneliness, the boredom of the vast sea?
I set off on January 3, 2010. I set my sights on getting past the quarter-way mark, which would take about 20 days.
Day 20, January 22, was gray and cloudy. I could have done something to celebrate, such as treating myself to a chocolate bar. But I didn’t.
I was suffering from terrible loneliness. I hadn’t seen landing over two weeks. Every day was beginning to feel the same. Eating, rowing, sleeping, watch the sky, watch the ocean.
Then, around sunset, I saw something move on the horizon. They were dolphins! They circled my boat. Suddenly I felt so grateful. They had come to help me celebrate, just when I needed them. I rowed at full strength for the next 20 minutes with the dolphins around. By the time we went our separate ways, I was no longer lonely. Better yet, I knew I would be okay.
I did make it, all 2,817 miles. I hit the coast of Guyana, South America, on March 14, after 70 days and five hours at sea. My ocean row raised $70,000 for the Blue Planet Run Foundation, which funds drinking water programs around the world. I know some athletes spend the entire journey imagining the end, and that helps them get through. But for me, the secret is to focus on the moment, where you experience the personal growth — those moments of awareness of being connected to the sun, the weather, and the waves. And, on the best day of my life, those dolphins, which freed myself from terrible loneliness.
Which is the step taken as part of preparation for the tough row?

A.swimming the 325-mile length of the river
B.answering the same question raised by people
C.running 3,300 miles cross-country
D.biking across the Mojave Desert

What does the underlined part mean?

A.I didn’t have any chocolate bar for energy.
B.I wasn’t in the mood to celebrate my first goal.
C.It’s a pity not to celebrate my passing the quarter of the way
D.It’s a pity not to treat myself to a chocolate bar on Day 20.

What can be implied from the last two paragraphs?

A.Imagination was an effective way to help me get through.
B.The Blue Planet Run Foundation helped me a lot.
C.The dolphins accompanied me to reach my destination
D.The unexpected dolphins swept away my loneliness

Which can be the best title of the passage?

A.The day I stopped being lonely
B.The only challenge for a 22-year old
C.How to overcome loneliness at sea.
D.How to row alone across the Atlantic
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— Can I help you?
— Yes, I'd like to return this book, please.
— No, I couldn't read it.I had a hard time reading a few pages, and then I decided to give up.
— It wasn't the language.It was the words.They are too small for me.
    ___ What can I do for you then?
— Well, I'd be glad if you could find me another book.
— Yes, but one with bigger words.
— Oh, Oliver Twist.This one is fine.And the words are much bigger.Thank you very much.
— You're welcome.

A.What about this one?
B.You can't keep the book for long.
C.Another English storybook?
D.Isn't it interesting?

E.Oh? But I know you are good at English.
F.Did you enjoy the book?
G.Yes, they are really small.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Swimming is one of those activities that can be learned early in life. Little children can learn to swim as soon as they walk. In fact, you need the same skills in walking as in swimming. However, I believe that five is the best age to learn. By five or six, a child knows fear of water, a very important thing to know. It’s wise to be afraid, to recognize true danger. Young ones understand that the water can sometimes be very dangerous.
To really benefit from swimming, every swimmer should learn ____________:butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and crawl. I feel that one of these—the breaststroke—is different from the others, since some young swimmers use this stroke naturally, without any training.
In swimming, there are certain rules every swimmer should follow:
(1) Never swim alone! No matter how good you are in the water, don’t risk drowning by swimming alone. If you swim by yourself, with no life guards or friends with you, you may get into trouble.
(2) Don’t go beyond your abilities. Most swimmers know enough not to swim too far from the bank or the beach. Showing off by doing dangerous tricks is no good. Swim safely and you will continue to swim and alive.
(3) Don’t smoke. Swimming depends on a healthy body; good lungs are part of it.
(4) Work at any activity that builds muscles.
What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10 words)
Please complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 5 words)
__________________________and the recognition of its danger are sensible.
Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 7 words)
Why should not you swim alone according to the passage? ( no more than 10 words)
What does the underlined word “it” refer to? (no more than 3 words)

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  • 难度:未知

I saw a accident happen on my way to home this afternoon. A girl was crossing the street on a zebra crossing while a young man drove a motorbike towards her. The young man saw the girl and tried to stop, and he drove too fast to stop. He hit the girl and fell off his motorbike. The girl was bad hurt and couldn’t move. The young man didn’t know how to do. I ran to a phone box nearby and dialed 110. Soon the police reached. They sent her hospital at once. One of the policeman talked to the young man and wrote something down while he was talking. I thought it is very dangerous to drive very fast.

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