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—— Now, where is my package?
—— ________. We'll be late for the train.

A.Come on B.Forget it!
C.Don't worry. D.Who knows?
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Everyone should learn something about first aid, for every second will_______in an emergency.

A. play B.count C. happen D. show
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Will you see to _______ that the luggage is brought back?

A. me B. yourself C. it D. them
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We tried to ring you back,Bryan,  but we think we ______ your number incorrectly.

A. looked up B. got through
C. took down D. worked out
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In this lecture, I can only give you a_______view of how we can live life to the full.

A.simple B.good C.secret D.personal
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It is acknowledged that______shortest distance between persons is _______ sincere smile.

A.a; the B. the; a C. a;不填 D. the;不填
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—— We expected you yesterday.
—— I'm sorry,  I______you to say that I couldn't be here until today.

A. should have called B. must have called
C. could call D. would call
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——There'll be billions of people to watch the Spring Festival gala on TV tonight.
——I know.  The whole world______.It's a really wonderful event.

A. watches B. is watching
C. has watched D. will be watching
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I work in a business______almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.

A. that B.which C. where D. why
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“He hasn't got any hobbies——_______you call playing games on computer a hobby.” Mr. Lin said.

A. If B. Unless C. When D. Since
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You will see the products of Liu Ling alcohol________on every avenue of Baoding city.

A. advertise B. advertising
C. advertised D. having advertised
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According to the artists,the painting _______ to go for at least a million dollars.

A. expects B. is expecting
C. will expect D. is expected
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Mike is kind, determined and full of energy._______,I can't speak too highly of him.

A. As a result B. In a word
C. By the way D. On the contrary
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—— I reminded you not to forget to turn off the lights when you left the classroom.
—— ________________.

A. So did I B. So you did C. So do you D. I do so
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We're living in______people call "Information Age",so everything is possible.

A. what B. that C. which D. why
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I stood there outside of the classroom  with the other students,waiting for the supervisor(监考老师)to open the door,and   1   filled the heart.
When we were finally inside the classroom,I realized how   2   it was.  The heater hadn't been on and the _3___ were as cold as ice.  Alright then, the supervisor started to walk around,____4___everyone's calculator to make sure they were "approved devices"(允许使用的工具).
At around 8:25,the test started.  I was___5____my way through word problems, grammar sections,and reading and   6   sections.  The supervisor kept walking around the room,    7   each student's extra pencils and   8  sharpening them for us.I turned the___9___when instructed to,___10____it wasn't another math section and it wasn't.  It was a reading section —— ___11____!I started reading the excerpt(片段)given and was    12   to discover that it wasn't a boring piece about astrology (星象)or biological science. ____13____,it was an excerpt from a romantic novel.  I became little____14____with reading it and at times I wanted to say "Awww!”aloud.  My heart was     15        swooning(沉醉)and I think I was   16  .  Hopefully I got the questiotions from that section____17__because I actually had fun answering them.  Who knew the SAT could actually bring   18 
It was about 1 p. m.  when the test was over.  I got out of the classroom  with____19____.As I was walking outside the building,I was thinking that the test was no longer a bitter____20____for the first time in my life.

A. happiness B. nervousness C. calmness D. sadness

A. amazing B. disappointing C. tiring D. freezing

A. seats B. walls C. floors D.hearts

A. seeing B. taking C. checking D.preparing

A. looking B. pacing C. making D. showing

A. comprehension B. thinking C. guessing D. recitation

A. bringing in B. putting down C. picking up D. showing off

A. kindly B. slightly C. directly D. slowly

A. door B. direction C. pencil D. page

A. terrible B. great C. sure D. no

A. frightened B. worried C. shocked D. regretted

A. However B. Therefore C. Also D. Rather

A. carried away B. worn out C. tired D. confused

A. suddenly B. totally C. over D. again

A. reading B. sleeping C. smiling D. whispering

A. right B. ready C. clear D. possible

A. hope B.joy C.interest D. trouble

A.relief B.hunger C.strength D.courage

A.attempt B.fact C.process D.experience

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Ray Travers sat back at the large desk, and looked around his plush(豪华的)office.  He was tired
Ray's eyes stopped at a painting on the wall.  It was a gift given by an old friend,Bull,as a farewell gift when he left his hometown  He recalled the life spent in that small town; pleasant times.  The many hours he spent talking to his good friend, and the tales he was told about hunting in the Africa of old.
Memories flowed back more than ten years;  he remembered how he enjoyed hearing about the wonderful hunting,and how he wished he could have shared those times.
Ray opened his desk drawer and brought out a wooden box. He opened the lid and exposed a work of art,a hand-made hunting knife.  This was a gift from Bull,given to Ray more than 20 years ago.  It was one of the first knives Bull had made, and Ray had called it "Zambezi",the river where Bull had been so many times.
He closed the box and sat upright at his desk;he was driving himself hard, and deserved a break.  Things were going well with the business,everything running smoothly.  He could afford a week off!
He went back home.  A week in the hometown would be like going back in history. "Man, it's going to be good,”Ray said aloud,as he turned onto the highway and watched the city lights fast disappearing,as he looked in the rearview  mirror.  The powerful car going  its way through  the night,  headlights  piercing(穿透)the darkness.  Memories danced through the man's mind.  Memories of good times,when he knew what it was to relax, to talk,and to really visit.
Slowly entering town he looked around.  Ray sat in his car,  looking at the old building,smiling.  Inside it was almost as though it was the same people as 15 years ago.
We learn from the text that __________.

A. Ray's old friend, Bull, is a painting artist
B. Ray visited Africa together with Bull many times
C. Ray and Bull often went hunting together
D. Ray left his hometown more than ten years ago

Which of the following  words can best describe Ray's feeling about going back    home?

A. Worried B. Excited C. Calm D. Nervous

It can be inferred from the text that________.

A. Ray was a successful businessman
B. Ray had a hard time in the hometown
C. Ray's hometown was a small remote mountain village
D. Ray was the first promising young man in the hometown

What may the author talk about in the paragraph that follows the text?

A. Ray's childhood spent in his hometown.
B. Why Ray left his hometown alone.
C. The situation in Ray's hometown.
D. How Ray went into business.
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  • 难度:未知

Writer and teacher Yin Jianli's stories and thoughts about bringing up her daughter
Yuanyuan have been a constant source of inspiration for parents over the past 16 years.
Her book,  A Good Mother Exceeds Good  Teachers,  published  by  Writers Publishing House, has been a bestseller on Dangdang and Amazon's online platforms
for the past three years.  The book helped Yin make the Chinese Writers' Rich List, with 4. 48 million yuan($710,000).
Experts say Yin's book provides practical guidance, which makes it popular among parents.
"When the majority of books are either full of bragging about(自吹自擂)the authors' children or outlining big theories that have no foundation in practice, I write books that are practical and easy to follow," Yin writes.
"For example, there was an occasion when Yuanyuan forgot to do her elementary school homework.  In such a situation many Chinese parents show their anger and scold their kids,”says Yin, who made an agreement with her husband they would not overly criticize or push their daughter.  Instead, Yin encouraged the daughter to make up the homework, which meant staying up until midnight.  As a result,  she learned to arrange her time better and did not have a harmful reaction to doing homework.  Yin's principle of "no parental interference(干涉),and "giving children the opportunity to learn from their mistakes" is described in a number of real-life examples.
Readers say Yin's books improve their children's performance at school,  and encourage them to develop good personalities and habits.  They believe her books are not only about being good parents but also about growing as parents and individuals.
"When I'm reading books,I keep thinking about what a better personality I would have if my parents had adopted the methods Yin suggests when I was a kid,"one reader comments in a review on Yin's online blog.
The book“A Good Mother Exceeds Good Teachers" has been so popular because______.

A. it covers many inspiring thoughts about bringing up children
B. it outlines big theories from home and abroad
C. it provides practical guidance for parents
D. it sells at a great discount

We can learn from the text that Yin Jianli_______.

A. advocates learning from mistakes
B. makes a good living only by writing books
C. holds the view that saving your stick spoils your kid
D. believes successful education calls for joint efforts from school and family

It can be implied from the text that________.

A. Yin's readers are mostly parents
B. The book is only available online
C. Yin has a great sense of business
D. Yuanyuan achieved success thanks to her mother
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  • 难度:未知

It seems like every day there's some new research about whether our favorite drinks are good for us.  One day,  science says a glass of red wine a day will help us live longer. The next day, maybe not.  It seems journalists are pretty interested in wine research and the same might be said for coffee.  Now there's been a lot of research into whether coffee's good for our health "the results have really been mixed",admits Neal Freedman who led the coffee study and published his findings in a medical journal recently.   "There's been some evidence that coffee might increase the risk of certain diseases and there's also  been  maybe  more recent evidence that coffee  may protect against other diseases as well".
Freedman and his colleagues undertook the biggest study yet to look at the relationship between coffee and health.  They analyzed data collected from  more than  400,000 Americans ages 50 to 70 participating in the study.  "We found that the coffee drinkers had a modestly lower risk of death than the non-drinkers, he said.  Here's what he means by "modestly": those who drank at least two or three cups a day were about 10 percent or 15 percent less likely to die for any reason during the 13 years of the study when the researchers looked at specific causes of death, coffee drinking appeared to cut the  risk  of  dying from  heart  disease, lung  disease injuries,  accidents  and infections.
Now, Freedman stressed that the study doesn't prove coffee can make people live longer .A study like this can never prove a cause-and-effect relationship.  All it can really do is to point researchers in the right direction for further investigation. And even if it turns out that coffee is really good for you, scientists have no idea why.
According to the first paragraph,reporters  would like to  know  the research findings of_______.

A. tea B. beer C. coffee D. wine

According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Freedman and his colleagues hired 400,000 Americans to collect date.
B. People who took part in Freedman's research are about 50 to 70 years old.
C. About 400, 000 Americans worked for Freedman's team for 13 years.
D. People who are 50 to 70 years old seldom drink wffee.

According to the author, scientists________.

A. have already proved that coffee is good for human health
B. have a long way to go before they find a way to study coffee
C. have avoided the cause-and-effect approach to study coffee
D. are still unable to figure out why coffee is good for us

Which of the following can be the best title?

A. The Magical Effects of Coffee
B. Neal Freedman and His Research
C. Can Coffee Help You Live Longer?
D. A Cup of Coffee A Day Makes Diseases Away
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  • 难度:未知

Many times  when  people  hear  the  words  social  networking,  their  brains automatically go to sites such as Twitter or Facebook.  However, there are sites for those into social networking and into reading.  Sound crazy?, It's really not. If you've ever wanted a site where you can receive book recommendations,follow your favorite authors,and keep up with what your friends are reading, then look no further than Goodreads. com.
Goodreads provides useful services for those in the reading world.  It is a site where you can win books by going to giveaways(赠书)and simply entering your information. Some giveaways are even signed by the author.   And the books aren't boring,old or torn copies —— many of them are ARC's (Advanced Readers Copies),for which you can write a short review on the site.  Anyone can post reviews of their favorite books or series so that others may feel inclined to read them as well.
Another function of the site is offering book clubs and interest groups.  You can have interactive discussions with groups of people reading the same things,sort of like a blog.  You can also  make friends with people and post statuses similar to Facebook. Your friends can send you book recommendations and you can add them to your shelf if you choose.
Shelves are by far one of the best features on the site.  You can categorize(归类) your entire library and put books you want to read on your“to-read” shelf.  These virtual(虚拟的)shelves allow you to see what you've read and also let you keep track of the number of books you've read in a year.
You can even read original writing for free because many people post their own writing on the site to gain feedback and advice on how to improve. Anyone can join this site for free and fall in love with not just a book, but a book site as well.
People who go to the site Twitter or Facebook mostly want to_______.

A. get more books to read
B. meet more people and make friends
C. buy goods for their daily life
D. post their book recommendations

The underlined part“feel inclined" in.  Paragraph 3 is the closest in meaning to______.
A.  have a desire               C.  have no difficulty
C.  have a possibility            D.  have no doubt
You can do all of the following things on Goodreads. com EXCEPT_______.

A. receiving books signed by the authors
B. publishing your comments on books
C. exchanging your ideas with other people
D. buying all kinds of books that you like

What do we know about the shelves on Goodreads. com?

A. They are filled with all kinds of books from some libraries.
B. The books there are categorized for readers by the site.
C. That is where people put books they have read or want to read
D. New books will continuously be added to readers by the site.
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Stress is very common in all walks of life and in all fields of work.
    It can be related to  work,  an unhappy  marriage,  money problems or a whole host of things that cause people to become very unhappy with their lives.  People who suffer from this condition often cannot see anything good about their lives.________
Teen stress is one of the leading causes of suicide(自杀)among teenagers who are unable to cope with all the pressures that seem to come at them from all sides.  Even a child as young as two or three years of age can feel stressed,  when he/she is trying to
live up to the parents expectations of being a good boy or girl.      
     New research suggests that exercising as a way of stress management helps people to improve their minds as well as their bodies because they become fit, giving them a whole new feeling about themselves.
You have to think about what is causing you to become stressed and if it is possible to avoid these things.  If you feel stressed because it seems that people are always taking up your private time, you need to learn to say "No" once in a while.________If your work stress is the cause of your illness and if you are experiencing problems with your heart,the doctor may need to send you for a stress test to determine whether or not there is a serious problem developing.

A.Using exercise as a form of stress relief has many benefits.
B.You do need to talk to someone who can help, such as your doctor.
C.As a result of that, people began to choose easy jobs.
D.Doctors also have pressures from their tiring work.

E. It can lead to suicide, heart attacks and cancer as research has shown.
F. School age children  have pressures on them  from  schoolwork,  parents and    friends.
G. It is most dangerous because it can affect a person's health.

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Dear Editor,
I'm a senior high student in a key school of Banding city.  I'm fond of play basketball  It is known by us that the college entrance examination is approaching and we should get good prepared for it.  Thus I had no choice but play basketball just on holidays.  However, I really hope to do it every day, and my parent insist that I give it up.  They think learning is their first task and I should throw whole of myself into study.  How do you think of it? Could you give me some advice on how to deal with the problem?
I am looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua

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Dear friends,
Today we are having a farewell party to honor our friend Peter.______________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua

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